Martín Castillo


Something Like a Love Story
Jaime is a young writer who just published his first novel called "Don't Fall in Love with Her", a book based on his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Laura, from whom he still has feelings for. His plans to get her back will be ruined when he finds out that his childhood best friend, Vega, is his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.
I Don’t Want to Be Your Brother
A 34-year-old man asks his girlfriend for marriage the same day that his sister Constanza arrives at his house, which will test his great differences.
Partir to Live
A young aficionado of paranormal experiences attempts to reconstruct the previous moments of what could have been one of these episodes. High-tension cables, a forest, an abandoned church, a barefoot woman: Past, present and future become confused, and in this dissolved reality, he is not sure to have found what he was looking for.
You Think You're the Prettiest, But You Are the Sluttiest
Flirtatious, narcissistic teenager Javier makes a game of seducing girls. But when he gets dumped, his self-esteem takes a nosedive, and we learn that his apparent frivolousness masks a deeper complexity of character.