Titus Paar

Titus Paar


Titus Paar


We Hunt Giants
In a world where cavemen and dinosaurs share the world, a tribe is plagued by a man-eating giant T-Rex that hunts them all. Rougu, the son of the village chief, has had his woman and the whole village captured by the witch doctors tribe in the same area. They believe that the only way to calm the beast is to sacrifice her beautiful flesh. Rougu and his father realizes that the only way to save his woman and their village is to do what no man has ever done before... Hunt the Giant.
We Hunt Giants
In a world where cavemen and dinosaurs share the world, a tribe is plagued by a man-eating giant T-Rex that hunts them all. Rougu, the son of the village chief, has had his woman and the whole village captured by the witch doctors tribe in the same area. They believe that the only way to calm the beast is to sacrifice her beautiful flesh. Rougu and his father realizes that the only way to save his woman and their village is to do what no man has ever done before... Hunt the Giant.
We Hunt Giants
In a world where cavemen and dinosaurs share the world, a tribe is plagued by a man-eating giant T-Rex that hunts them all. Rougu, the son of the village chief, has had his woman and the whole village captured by the witch doctors tribe in the same area. They believe that the only way to calm the beast is to sacrifice her beautiful flesh. Rougu and his father realizes that the only way to save his woman and their village is to do what no man has ever done before... Hunt the Giant.
Fear of the Woods
Alaska 1993. A family of hunters is sent to track the bear responsible for the disappearance of cattle from a mountain village. Trapped in a deep fog they soon realise that they are the ones being hunted.
Fear of the Woods
Alaska 1993. A family of hunters is sent to track the bear responsible for the disappearance of cattle from a mountain village. Trapped in a deep fog they soon realise that they are the ones being hunted.
? (Question-mark)
In a small remote town up in the mountains, the society is shocked by a triple homicide of extreme nature, performed by a 20 year old boy. With the murderer seemingly brainwashed and has no memory of the event, the local police believes a local cult is behind it. Bernard a 60 year old Austrian man working with the police as a medium is put on the case to solve the mystery of the old rotten skull found in the murderers car.
? (Question-mark)
In a small remote town up in the mountains, the society is shocked by a triple homicide of extreme nature, performed by a 20 year old boy. With the murderer seemingly brainwashed and has no memory of the event, the local police believes a local cult is behind it. Bernard a 60 year old Austrian man working with the police as a medium is put on the case to solve the mystery of the old rotten skull found in the murderers car.
? (Question-mark)
In a small remote town up in the mountains, the society is shocked by a triple homicide of extreme nature, performed by a 20 year old boy. With the murderer seemingly brainwashed and has no memory of the event, the local police believes a local cult is behind it. Bernard a 60 year old Austrian man working with the police as a medium is put on the case to solve the mystery of the old rotten skull found in the murderers car.
The Perfect Weapon
In a not too distant future, a totalitarian state run by ‘The Director” controls all aspects of life. All enemies of the state are dealt in the harshest way. Most of them are executed by the secret government’s assassins. The best operative is code-named “Condor” – an elite agent and hit man for the government. However, in his latest assignment, “Condor” fails to kill an opposition leader, and finds himself on the run from the very same government agency that he works for. This sets in motion a chain of events with unforseen consequences for all involved.
The Perfect Weapon
In a not too distant future, a totalitarian state run by ‘The Director” controls all aspects of life. All enemies of the state are dealt in the harshest way. Most of them are executed by the secret government’s assassins. The best operative is code-named “Condor” – an elite agent and hit man for the government. However, in his latest assignment, “Condor” fails to kill an opposition leader, and finds himself on the run from the very same government agency that he works for. This sets in motion a chain of events with unforseen consequences for all involved.
Legend of Dark Rider
A story that has lasted for generations, about the Dark Rider. A beast none has survived, a monster, not human. In time the story becomes legend, but the man they call Dark Rider is a man with no memory carrying a silver locket shaped like the head of a wolf. When threaten it unleashes a dark power in him and slays whoever stands in his way. All he can remember is waking up on the bottom of a cliff with his right eye torn out by the blade of an axe, holding this locket. Beside him lays a dead beautiful woman he assumes it's his wife, all he has is the name "Vladimir" written on a piece of fabric. Every night he is hunted by a vision of a man part snake sitting on a golden throne screaming "Give it back to me". He travels the snowy north, looking for the man Vladimir in hope that this man can finally tell him who he is, what he is and take his revenge.
Legend of Dark Rider
Drunk man in bar
A story that has lasted for generations, about the Dark Rider. A beast none has survived, a monster, not human. In time the story becomes legend, but the man they call Dark Rider is a man with no memory carrying a silver locket shaped like the head of a wolf. When threaten it unleashes a dark power in him and slays whoever stands in his way. All he can remember is waking up on the bottom of a cliff with his right eye torn out by the blade of an axe, holding this locket. Beside him lays a dead beautiful woman he assumes it's his wife, all he has is the name "Vladimir" written on a piece of fabric. Every night he is hunted by a vision of a man part snake sitting on a golden throne screaming "Give it back to me". He travels the snowy north, looking for the man Vladimir in hope that this man can finally tell him who he is, what he is and take his revenge.
Legend of Dark Rider
A story that has lasted for generations, about the Dark Rider. A beast none has survived, a monster, not human. In time the story becomes legend, but the man they call Dark Rider is a man with no memory carrying a silver locket shaped like the head of a wolf. When threaten it unleashes a dark power in him and slays whoever stands in his way. All he can remember is waking up on the bottom of a cliff with his right eye torn out by the blade of an axe, holding this locket. Beside him lays a dead beautiful woman he assumes it's his wife, all he has is the name "Vladimir" written on a piece of fabric. Every night he is hunted by a vision of a man part snake sitting on a golden throne screaming "Give it back to me". He travels the snowy north, looking for the man Vladimir in hope that this man can finally tell him who he is, what he is and take his revenge.