Carola Reyna

Carola Reyna

Birth : 1962-04-15, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Carola Reyna


Las corredoras
Julián Lemar, a best-selling suspense writer, goes on vacation with his family to a cabin in the woods. During a strong storm, the power goes out and a woman shows up desperately asking for help: her husband killed her son and now he wants to kill her. From that moment on, danger and deception are a constant threat and for Julián a hellish night begins until he discovers the truth.
El espejo de los otros
The Cenacle, a unique restaurant offers single-table work. In a ruined temple every night there is a last supper. Diners sitting at the table, define something important in their lives. Four stories plus the secret that bond the owners. Superb music.
El fuego y el soñador
It describes the dilemma of a director in front of his characters and the search for a fetish actor who ends up being his great love. As if it were a documentary, the director remembers moments of his life and fragments of the filming of his film. That film tells the story of a poet who comes from the 19th century and contemplates the pain of the 20th century. There are tributes to her ancestors, especially her Piedmontese grandmother and her contemporary idols: actress Bárbara Mugica and Luchino Visconti.
The Whore and the Whale
A Spanish writer finds an old coffer with photographs of an Argentine man who fought and died in the Spanish Civil War, and of a woman. Her quest for answers brings Vera to the Argentine Patagonia.
The Faces of the Moon
Shosh Balsher
The Faces of the Moon is the story of five women from five different countries (Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, USA and Spain), invited to Mexico City to be the jury of the Third Annual Latin American Women's Film Festival. In six vertiginous days these women share their past experiences, their ghosts and, their expectations. The group views and critiques the festival's film entries, and, in the process, the women reveal their personal, political and national histories.
Carlos Monzón, el segundo juicio
Alicia Muñiz
Casas de fuego
Film based on the life of Dr. Salvador Mazza, who, with a group of professionals, conducts an investigation to discover the antidote to a mysterious illness whose carrier is a nocturnal insect. A Mazza was regarded as the first doctor who fought the deadly Chagas disease in Argentina.
El amante de las películas mudas
Cuatro caras para Victoria
Victoria I
Color escondido
Dreams and reality mix-up in the life of a middle class woman in his 20s who is depressed and distressed.
El hombre de la deuda externa
A middle-class man earns a millionaire fortune that he decides to use to pay Argentina's foreign debt.