Erzsi Paál

Erzsi Paál

Birth : 1912-11-19, Lugoj, Romania

Death : 1973-06-24


Erzsi Paál


A Lizard in a Woman's Skin
Mrs. Gordon
Carol Hammond, the sexually frustrated wife of a successful London lawyer, is having bizarre, erotic dreams about her uninhibited neighbour, Julia Durer, who presides over noisy, sex and drug filled parties in the house next door. One night, Carol dreams culminate in violent death and she wakes to find her nightmares have become reality - Julia has been murdered and Carol is the main suspect. Was she set up, or did she really do it?
Hands Off Me!
Eva Flastorny
In his first feature, great Italian clown Totò plays a carefree tramp moving from job to job, in order to provide for himself and his young Shirley Temple-like protégée.
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