Noah Sorota


Deep in the Heart: A Texas Wildlife Story
Directed by award winning filmmaker Ben Masters, Deep in the Heart is a visually stunning celebration of Texas’ diverse landscapes and remarkable wildlife found nowhere else. Told through the eyes of wildlife species ranging from the mysterious blind catfish to the elusive mountain lion, the film follows our ever-changing relationship with the natural world and how we affect it. Narrated by beloved Texan, Matthew McConaughey, the film aims to safeguard our remaining wild places and to recognize the importance of Texas’ conservation on a continental scale.
The River and the Wall
Five friends embark on a 1,200 mile journey along the US-Mexico border from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico to learn first hand what effect a border wall will have on the natural landscape and the wild animals roaming the land.
Return of the Desert Bighorn
After all native desert bighorn sheep were eliminated from Texas by the 1960s, conservationists began the long fight for their return. Now, after many years of hard work and trial and error, healthy populations roam parts of the state. Return of the Desert Bighorn follows wildlife biologists as they capture, collar, and relocate desert bighorn to restore populations in West Texas.
The Gracefield Incident
On August 16, 2013, the Supreme Court mandated the CIA to declassify files that had been kept secret for the past 75 years. Visual records of documented paranormal events were released to the public. The following incident took place in Gracefield, Quebec.
Original Music Composer
Documentary about four friends on a 3,000 mile journey across the American West on horseback.
From the beginning, stories of angels and men have captured our imaginations and have been etched into our history crossing all boundaries of culture, religion, and time. These two races have dominated the landscape of modern mythology for countless centuries, almost washing away the evidence that a third ever existed. This third race, born of smokeless fire, was called the jinn. Similar to humans in many ways, the jinn lived invisibly among us and only under dire or unusual circumstances were our paths ever meant to cross.