Kalin Arsov


The Profession of Arms
In autumn of 1526, the Emperor, Charles V, sends his German landsknechts led by Georg von Frundsberg to march towards Rome. The inferior papal armies, commanded by Giovanni de'Medici, try to chase them in the midst of a harsh winter. Nevertheless, the Imperial armies manage to cross the rivers along their march and get cannons thanks to the maneuvers of its Lords. In a skirmish, Giovanni de'Medici is wounded in the leg by a falconet shot. The attempts to cure him fail and he dies. The Imperial armies assault Rome. The film is beautifully but unassumingly set, and shows the hard conditions in which war is waged and its lack of glory. It ends straightforwardly with the declaration made after the death of Giovanni de'Medici by the commanders of the armies in Europe of not using again fire weapons because of their cruelty.
Don Quixote Returns
Spain, XVII century. Elderly eccentric Don Quihan dreams of romance about knights and exploits. Everyone around him considers the old man crazy, only the shepherd Sancho Panse sincerely believed in the noble impulses of Don Kihano. One night, Don Quihano decides to realize his dream and escape from the city. “Don Quixote Returns” is an adventure comedy based on the novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” by Miguel Cervantes.
Second Death of Gregor Z
The police officer
A Swiss-German-Yugoslavian production.
Thou Who Art in Heaven
Sased na Henih, zheleznichar
А dying man reveals to his young friend, a child of 8, the fairy world of music.
Adio, Rio
Stoev, a talented architect is working in Rio de Janeiro. All along the design stages, Stoev's understanding has been that he would be going together with his assistant architect. However, the company chief secretly decides to change the terms and go instead of the assistant, threatening Stoev to cancel the whole deal if he doesn't comply. Stoev is left with the dilemma to betray a colleague and friend, or to miss the greatest opportunity in his career. When Stoev is about to choose the former, a mysterious dead body appears in his life.
Eva on the Third Floor
Gynecology clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. On one of the floors several women are waiting for their turn to get an abortion. And on the other floor, four older women struggle to preserve the life they carry. Toni must decide whether to give birth to a child who will not have a father.