In a rural scenery in the throes of difficult changes lives a humble but promising young farmer girl called Mari Pataki. Her father forbids her from seeing the man she loves. The father, above all preoccupied by work on the fields and prospective wealth, decides to give his daughter in marriage to an old but rich man with whom he does business. Land marries land, he says. This seems to be the unyielding rule of the Hungarian peasantry. But the young lover is ready to stand up to any challenge to keep Maris love.
The only jacket owned by Rédey Lajos, a university student majoring in Italian language and literature, is pawned by his room-mate. The bracelet of Kitty, the daughter of general Gohrmann, which in the middle of a kiss during a lesson in Italian got accidentally unfastened, has been left in the pocket of the jacket. As a result of a still further incident, Rédey, - endeavouring to return the bracelet to Kitty - embarks upon getting the jacket back while wearing the Hungarian gala-suit owned by his landlady's elder brother. The station to which he finds his way while looking for the jacket is visited by the King of Italy, and he takes Lajos, dressed as he is in a Hungarian gala-suit, to be a Hungarian aristocrat, and Lajos must but receive His Majesty in Italian.