Miljan Milošević


While floating down the Danube, two wannabe terrorists reach Novi Sad with a plan to set up a bomb there. A guy who walks near finds the bomb by an accident, and decides to simply throw it into the river thus saving the city from destruction.
Fellowship Offerings
The screenplay was written immediately after the bombing of Novi Sad, 1999, but it was only a motive to speak up about the people that were humiliated for more than ten years in various ways, and that way became the victims of wrong politics, not only Milosevic's, but Western as well. The title of the movie was born there. In the second book of Moses it is written: " An altar of earth you shall make for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings." The people who suffered most in the wars on this territory are the ones that had no influence of what so ever on the development of situation on the Balkan. But, at the same time. there was ambitious youth, that the sense of their life in these stormy time. The film is about them and that is why it sounds optimistic. Film is about the fact that we will always have the energy to survive senseless time and live normally after that.