Florence Dye


Marian, the Holy Terror
Marian, in truth a quiet and reserved girl from the East, in the new tonic atmosphere of Arizona seems to change her nature and through a series of misunderstandings is given the title of "The Holy Terror."
A Friend in Need
Stanley's 1st Daughter
Jimmy Donovan gets a passenger for his automobile to make an all-day trip to the Stanley Ranch. When they have almost reached their destination, the engine goes "dead," but the Stanley girls, riding broncos, come to the rescue and drag the car on to the ranch at the end of their ropes.
Mother Love vs Gold
Sallie McKim
A pair of precious loafers in a mining town learn from one of their "kidney" that Dick Mackey's partner, Bill Bryson, has died and that his gold dust is cached in Dick's cabin. They get sober and conclude to rob Mackey, but find that he is too quick on "the draw," and give it up.
Made a Coward
One of the Girls
Bud Harris, a young miner with a reputation for courage, goes prospecting in the desert with Tom Jones in an attempt to locate a turquoise mine. Their water gives out and their horses die on the way. Bud thinks that Tom has water in his canteen and strikes him down.
Taming a Tenderfoot
Mrs. Reardon
Willie Clever, city born and bred, having been spoiled with plenty of money, thinks he knows it all, or nearly all. His father buys a ranch in Arizona and sends Willie out to run the business. He comes with "all the fixin's," and has not been on the place an hour before he tries to run, or reform the outfit. The cowboys decide he needs some experience.
The Law and the Outlaw
Grace's Friend
Dakota Wilson escapes from the Deer Lodge Penitentiary, and, after a period of quietness, secures a position on the Diamond S ranch, owned by Buffalo Watson. Ruth, the daughter of the ranch owner, one day sees Dakota's display of horsemanship, and the admiration thus aroused soon ripens into love, much against the protest of the family. Ruth's love for Dakota is increased by his heroic deed when he rescues her from the malignant attentions of a rushing steer whose anger is aroused by the flowing red handkerchief about her neck. Dakota, who is riding ahead of the cowboys on a round-up expedition, catches sight of the steer heading for Ruth, and, spurring his broncho into a break-neck speed, reaches the side of the steer, leaps upon its hack, and, fastening his muscular arms on the frenzied beast's horns, brings him to the ground. In the midst of the ovation given him by the cowboys, Dakota is nabbed by Sheriff Mathers, who begins to march him back to the Deer Lodge Penitentiary.
The Shotgun Man and the Stage Driver
One of the Girls
It was a time when men thought quick and shot quick, self-preservation being Nature's first law. The stage-coach, having the precious freight of two fair girls and much of Uncle Sam's mail, goes through on schedule time, despite the fact that a band of outlaws leagued to rapture the mail coach.
The Life Timer
Steve and Tom are rivals for the hand of Mona.
Kings of the Forest
A romantic drama that unfolds in part in British India. Sona, who leaves home with her ​​child because of the quarrel between her two suitors, is threatened along the way by wild animals. The quarrelling suitors put their dispute behind them, and rescue her.
So-Jun-Wah and the Tribal Law
The Indian Squaw
Red Reagan, and two companions, Brooks and Mathis, lose their way while on a prospecting trip in the mountains. Fortunately they come to an Indian camp where they get food and water, and So-Jun-Wah a beauteous Indian maid, shows them the trail to the settlement.
The Scapegoat
Alice Mason - Tom's Sister
Harry Mason, a young New Yorker of good family, tries to borrow money from his brother, Tom. One afternoon Tom collects $5,000 for his father. As it is after banking hours, Mr. Mason puts the money in his house safe. He is overseen by Harry, who breaks into the safe and steals the money.
A Cowboy's Best Girl
Lucy Starr, Alice's Friend
Alice Marson, an eastern young lady, becomes engaged to Glen Arnold, a young man just out of college. Girl-like, she rushes to her friend, Lucy Starr, and tells of the engagement. Lucy, who also had designs on Glen, congratulates Alice, but determines to break up the match.