Stefan Velikov


Mercy of the Tzar
Bulgaria is on the eve of World War I. King Ferdinand survives an attempt on his life thanks of high-school teacher Irina Radionova. The monarch is generous in his gratitude. He assures the teacher that he will not permit Bulgaria's involvement in a war. Back in the village where she lives, Radionova learns that war has just been declared. Her son Boyan has to leave for the front. Irina becomes a nurse. At the front, Boyan is facing trial for having taken the side of mutinous soldiers. Irina goes to the King to beg for clemency. Ferdinand promises to do something about it. However, when Irina arrives back, the presiding judge tells her that the sentence has already been carried out and hands her the telegram from the King. It says that His Majesty has graciously condescended to command that Irina Radionova be granted permission to receive the body of her son
Clever Peter
Hitar Petar escapes every hard time the life gives him by using his quick mind.
The Law of the Sea
The chief of the base
A diver gets trapped at sea and needs to be rescued by the man whose love and life he has ruined.
Song of Man
Scenes from the life and revolutionary activity of poet Nikola Vaptzarov are shown against the background of political life in Bulgaria on the eve of World War II.
Under the Yoke
Stoyan Vodenicharya
Follows the Bulgarian people's struggle for national independence in the period from 1875 to the Liberation from Otoman bondage.
Kalin The Eagle
Constantinople, 1883. During an outing to the Black Island Edith, the adopted daughter of the French ambassador, is saved by Kalin the Eagle. She learns that he is a Bulgarian revolutionary from the April Uprising of 1876. With her help Kalin the Eagle escapes and returns to the liberated Bulgaria, where he is drawn to the socialist movement. Edith finds out that Kalin is in fact her father, and sets out in search of him. Kalin the Eagle is notable as the first movie made by the nationalized film industry after World War II in the newly formed People's Republic of Bulgaria.