Ambrogio Crespi


The 7 Days of Bergamo
During February of 2020, a tragedy began that struck, as the first Western nation, Italy, and then went on to devastate the rest of world—the Covid-19 pandemic. So many images come to mind at the mere mention of this terrible virus, but one, above all, mercilessly describes those moments, symptomatic of a wound that will indelibly remain sealed in our collective consciousness—the coffins squeezed to capacity into military trucks in Bergamo. The whole area around the city of Bergamo was truly put to the test, there isn’t one family that wasn’t struck by the virus, the sound of ambulance sirens blared more than in any other city and the fear was so tangible that you could see it in the eyes of the inhabitants. However, this story is not about the hospital itself but about the people who promised, working day and night, that this miracle would come to pass. 7 days and, thanks to the Alpini, Bergamo can finally breathe again.
A viso aperto
Terra Mia
On this journey, we arrive in Calabria, in San Luca, an iconic place known all over the world for the Duisburg massacre. The heart of the 'Ndrangheta. A docufilm of men and women who bravely oppose the mafia.
Giorgia Vive
Spes contra Spem: Free Inside
A documentary far from the "hierarchy of urgent things," far from the daily lives of every person. Criminals, mafiosi, authors of numerous murders accompany us on an unimaginable journey: a journey into dark souls, a journey into deep darkness through lightning shots like lightning blinding those looking at them. A political documentary which places the perspective, the sense of punishment, and his atonement through the voice of the sentenced and the prison administration. Men with a binge eating habit, a "never-ending punishment" that today is a manifestation of the institutions and who unquestionably thank those who have taken them out of their "free" lost lives. Prison policemen emerge as conscious heroes and guardians of our consciences: human and mature, state protectors. A journey into our black soul, an opaque mirror and fringed scum. The keywords that accompany you on this journey are: guilt, atonement, and hope. Hope against every hope, even where there is no reason to exist.
Generale Mori. Un'Italia a testa alta
The Italian history of the last fifty years told by a man who lived it as a protagonist. The extraordinary story of a man at the forefront of the fight against terrorism and Mafia.