Sergey Shumakov


The Tambourine Of The Upper World
Based on the story of the same title by Victor Pelevin. The 1990s. Two girls and an old shaman woman go deep into the forest to find the remains of a German in the debris of a plane that crashed during the Great Patriotic War…
The Last Waltz
This film is about Oleg Karavaichuk, eccentric musical genius and famous St. Petersburg composer, who takes his final stroll through Komarovo, a bay-side summer community just outside St. Petersburg where he spent his whole life and wrote most of his works. His final piece, “The Komarovo Waltz”, unveiled here for the very first time, was written as a tribute to the place. The film is the reclusive composer’s eulogy to the community. It also serves as Karavoichuk’s farewell to audience as well as his last address and reminder of things that are truly important – love for your fellow man and virgin nature.
Bread. Gene
Each grain crop - wheat, rye, rice and corn - has been "creating" a special type of person for centuries. For example, rye formed the Slavic culture, wheat influenced the inhabitants of almost all of Central Europe and a significant part of Asia, corn formed the inhabitants from Mexico to Nicaragua, and rice - representatives of Japan, India and China. Today, genetic engineers are trying to create the bread of the future. It is likely that after some time we will have three-dimensional food printers in our kitchens that will be able to "print" buns, loaves or confectionery. However, scientists are convinced that only part of the components for the "printer" will be chemical, and the rest of the components will continue to be grown on earth. At the same time, some researchers believe that genetic engineering may turn out to be a "Pandora's box", while others are sure that they can no longer do without it.
A unique project, the popular science series "Bread" is shooting around the world, interviews with scientists and world-class experts. There are 4 series in the project: "Immortality", "Money", "Hunger" and "Gene". This is a story about how bread controlled the destinies of continents and empires, how the rise of some civilizations and the fall of others depended on it, how in different countries and at different times it performed the function of money. This is the first time such a complete study of bread and grain is being carried out on a television screen. The focus is on the most interesting events in the history of Russia, Italy, France, Germany, England, China, Egypt and other countries.
Chelovek u Okna
Alexander Dronov, the actor, didn't have many success in his life. But despite all the troubles he has an important life mission - he's the man at the window.
An Imperfect Woman
Lyubanya, a hairdresser who has lost her job, and her eleven-year-old son find themselves in a difficult situation. She tries to borrow money from his girlfriend Simkina. She agrees to help, but only on the condition that Lyubanya will help her regain the man she loved, a certain Valeriy. Lyubanya must "accidentally" get acquainted with him and pretend to be his ideal, and when he falls in love with the "woman of his dreams" — leave him. Then Simkina will appear to "glue" Valeriy's broken heart, and at the same time their broken relationship. Out of desperation, Lyubanya joins in this game, but very quickly realizes that she has fallen in love. The heroine faces the question: how to tell Valeriy the truth about himself and their "casual" acquaintance?
Paper Soldier
In 1961, a Soviet medical officer is conflicted about his position overseeing the health of future cosmonauts.
The One Who Switches Off the Light
For two months a serial killer has been terrorizing the city of St. Petersburg. Every Wednesday a girl between 9 and 12 years old is the victim. The brutality of the maniac plunges city residents into horror. Parents are afraid of leaving their children alone on the street. The press reinforces the atmosphere of fear and hysteria.
We Are from the Future
Four present-day Russian men dig for Nazi memorabilia at a WWII battlefield. A wormhole lake sends them back to a battle in 1942 USSR.
A young girl dreaming to become an actress goes through hell with an orphan baby on her hands. The whole world seems to be against her. She meets the love of her life when there is no one to stand by her.
The Russian Game
Italian gambler who is well-skilled in the card trade owes people in authority, and leaves his country to win the money. Arriving in a small Russian town, he tries to show off his tricks to the local card swindlers but is caught and ends up agreeing to a friendship and a cooperation. It is hard not to find oneself liking the gallant Italian.
White Lilacs
From his childhood in Russia to his last days in California, the tumultuous ininerary and bathed in melancholy of the legendary pianist and composer Serguei Rachmaninov. This film is based on the legend that Rachmaninoff received a bouquet of lilacs from an unknown admirer after every performance. He emigrated to the United States, and after an interval, began to receive the mysterious lilacs again.
The Island
Somewhere in Northern Russia in a small Russian Orthodox monastery lives an unusual man whose bizarre conduct confuses his fellow monks, while others who visit the island believe that the man has the power to heal, exorcise demons and foretell the future.
The Great Mystery of Water
Pseudo-scientific documentary film that expresses a number of para- and pseudo- scientific views on the properties of water and so-called the memory of water, which are presented by its authors as scientific.
Bolshaya lyubov
Already a middle-aged but still unrecognized artist, Arkady Sinikhin, on the very eve of New Year, was expelled by his wife from home. While wandering the streets, Sinikhin accidentally finds the receiver of a mobile phone, which he threw out of the militia, a bear thief. Thanks to someone else's phone, Arkady finds out the place where the thieves' booty is hidden, and finds himself at a high-society party. Here he meets the owner of the art gallery Apollon Kostanakis. Having drunk fairly, a couple of new friends decided to appropriate the gangster stash and arrange an exhibition-sale of Sinihin's paintings. But the first visitor to this exhibition is a robbed bear-thief who is eager to get his money back ...
Taxi Blues
Ivan is old Russia: thick, dour, hard-working, often brutish; he misses Communism. He drives a taxi and one night meets Alexi, a new Russian, a musician, an alcoholic, irresponsible. Alexi stiffs Ivan for the fare, so Ivan tracks him down and a love-hate relationship ensues. When Alexi lets the bath water run over in Ivan's flat and Ivan must pay 500 rubles for repairs, he tries to force Alexi into day labor to repay him. It's hopeless. Then, suddenly, Alexi is discovered, goes on a jazz tour of America, becomes a celebrity, and returns in triumph. Ivan longs to renew the friendship, and it looks as if he may get what he wants.