Daniel Eden


Laugh Lines
Where roads are paved with good intentions. Dana, a young, contemplative woman carries the load of her family on her shoulders while Hannah, her grandmother, senses life coming to an end. Fate intervenes amongst lies and deception to grant one last chance of reprieve with an unexpected twist. Creative plot and beautiful artistic film making, combined with talented real-life characters who wear their hearts on their sleeve.
St. Elmo's Fire
Street Tough
A group of friends graduate from the halls of Georgetown University into lives that revolve around sex and career aspirations. Kirby waits tables to pay for law school. His roommate Kevin struggles at a D.C. newspaper as he searches for the meaning of love. Jules, an object of adoration and envy, but secretly she has problems of her own. Demure Wendy is in love with Billy—a loveable sax player and an irresponsible drunk. Alec wants it all: a career in politics and the appearance of a traditional home life. Alec’s girlfriend, Leslie, is an ambitious architect who doesn't know about his infidelity, but his new allegiance to the Republican Party is already enough to put her off marriage.
Fear No Evil
Brilliant and aloof teenager Andrew is always the butt of his class mates' jokes — but little do they know that he is actually the demon Lucifer. As the evil wells up within him, he avenges himself in acts of demonic murder and destruction. But his foe, the archangel Gabriel, has assumed the form of 18-year-old student Julie.