Joe Richard


Palasik is black magic to longevity . Owners of Palasik take off his head and floated to prey on the baby in the womb .
Kembalinya Nenek Gayung
Brandon (Kevin Julio), a rising and arrogant young actor, insulted the figure of Grandma Gayung. Since then, Brandon has been haunted by the presence of Grandma Gayung. In a state of fear, Brandon came to Boim (Yadi Sembako) and Abas (Joe Richard) who had experience with Grandma Gayung. They are looking for Mbah Shaman Bolot. From Mbah Dukun, it was learned how to let go of the curse of Grandma Gayung, namely by taking a bath in seven wells using a dipper from Grandma Gayung. Apparently, it's not that easy. After they managed to steal Grandma Gayung's dipper in his grave, now Grandma Gayung was even bothered to chase them all.
Perempuan di Rumah Angker
Erwin was suddenly terrorized by mysterious calls and texts stating Erwin's close friends in the past, precisely in high school. It seems like the mysterious figure is a woman because she is always upset and angry when Erwin approaches women. The mysterious figure is someone who once loved Erwin. He forced Erwin to declare his love for the mysterious figure when Erwin was invited to come to the haunted mansion. He would kill Karina if Erwin did not accept the mysterious expression of love. Erwin was forced to accept the love of a mysterious figure for the sake of Karina's life. But consequently Erwin should not approach Karina for even a second, because the mysterious figure hoped Erwin and Karina would end their relationship. To solve the problem, Erwin then took the initiative to reveal who the mysterious figure was. He tried to recall the past he had experienced when he was still in high school. Erwin finally recalled the figure of Murni who died hanging himself in the classroom
Nenek Gayung
A mysterious grandmother appears and soon becomes the talk of the town. Known as 'Nenek Gayung' because she always carries a water dipper (gayung) and a pandan mat, which she uses to bathe her sacrifices. Many believe that if you encounter 'Nenek Gayung', you must not look or talk to her as it is rumoured that many have met their deaths after doing so. Who is actually this 'Nenek Gayung'? What does she want? And how can you save yourself from her clutches?