Jarno Hiilloskorpi

Jarno Hiilloskorpi

Birth : 1939-11-08, Turku, Finland


Jarno Hiilloskorpi


Yrjö Sirola
Directed by Edvin Laine and Viktor Tregubovich, Trust (1976) is a Finnish-Soviet historical drama film that follows the relations between Finland and the Soviet Union. In December 1917, the Finnish delegation, composed of Chairman of the Senate Finance Department P.E. Svinhufvud (Vilho Siivola), Senator Carl Enckell (Yrjö Tähtelä) and State Secretary Gustaf Idman (Yrjö Paulo) arrive in St. Petersburg to meet V.I. Lenin (Kirill Lavrov) to gain recognition for the country's independence.
Rakkaus alkaa aamuyöstä
Tie pimeään
Klaus Grahn
Klaus Grahn is a young student frustrated with his life. In an attempt to break free from his unfulfilling life he tries to commit the perfect crime and forges a large check. Quickly he runs out of money and the police identifies him as the criminal, and so he boards a train to Tampere where he robs a taxi and shoots the driver. He returns to Helsinki and manages to avoid the police, but his friends and family try to persuade him into giving himself up. Klaus is angered by this, and he flees, plagued by paranoid thoughts until he decides to confront his friends for the last time - this time with a gun.
Shared Light
Surgeon Niilo Leino finds out that his former fellow student suffering from fears and insecurity is hired as his colleague. Leino tries to give him opportunities to show his ability but it occurs he hasn't escaped from his fears.
Shared Light
Surgeon Niilo Leino finds out that his former fellow student suffering from fears and insecurity is hired as his colleague. Leino tries to give him opportunities to show his ability but it occurs he hasn't escaped from his fears.
Pikku suorasuu
Juhani Laakso
Kultainen vasikka
Mr. Karhu
Finnish period comedy set to the times of WW I. Based on a play by Maria Jotuni.
Gas, Inspector Palmu!
A rich widow is found dead in her apartment in Helsinki due to gas poisoning. The incident is initially thought to be an accident, but inspector Palmu notices that the murderer made a mistake, and so Palmu, Kokki and Virta begin the investigation: who had come to the apartment through the balcony door and opened the gas tap while Mrs. Skrof was asleep?
The Scarlet Dove
Dr. Aitamaa is spending holiday with his family at their summer villa. He accidentally reads a letter that was meant to his wife. The letter is from another man. Aitamaa follows his wife to the city and finds out that she has a lover. Later the wife is found killed and Aitamaa becomes the prime suspect.
Swinging Youth
Laila and Lasse are two teenagers dreaming about careers as singers. (In real life, the actors were already the hottest numbers of the Finnish pop scene). Lasse's brother Rami dreams about motorbike racing (the actor later died in a car crash) and dates a pretty blond Anjukka. Her father works in the hot new field of TV advertising, which might be a good route to stardom for Laila and Lasse. But then Anjukka sets her eyes on Lasse and Rami sets his on Laila, and many a popular hit melody is sung in between.
A story of a mink coat passing from one owner to another binding their fates.
Iloinen Linnanmäki
Two competing hair care companies demonstrate their products on stage at a Helsinki amusement park, using celebrities from television, the hottest new media of the early 1960s.
Opettajatar seikkailee
An uptight all-girl school teacher Leena Kataja stumbles upon a handsome artist Pertti Rinne who paints her face on a nude portrait, much to her chagrin. She is intent on keeping the painting out of circulation by stealing it from an art gallery, but the aftermath turns out to be more complex than she anticipated, leading Leena to become involved in various misunderstandings featuring a gang of criminals, inept cops and false murder charges among other things.
Vääpelin kauhu
A Finnish military farce about an elderly man who is commanded back to service.