Juxtaposing charming animation with deft, innovative narrative construction, this unusual animation explores how we piece together narrative from the sources around us.
Juxtaposing charming animation with deft, innovative narrative construction, this unusual animation explores how we piece together narrative from the sources around us.
Juxtaposing charming animation with deft, innovative narrative construction, this unusual animation explores how we piece together narrative from the sources around us.
A worm is chained to a lead ball in a prison cell, awaiting his punishment.
A worm is chained to a lead ball in a prison cell, awaiting his punishment.
A worm is chained to a lead ball in a prison cell, awaiting his punishment.
When the mundane becomes gruesome.This film is about dealing with change and attempting to hold on to beliefs. We give something up when we try to make ourselves better.
With sparse landscapes and disjointed characters Crazy Rock explores the routine both in narrative and in emotion.