Jan Milič

Birth : 1948-01-02,

Death : 2010-05-28


Andělská tvář
Production Manager
The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night
Assistant Production Manager
An allegory set in an archetypal Czech village, it tells of what happens when a sequence of mysterious events take place, including the disappearance of the stationmaster. While everything has a rational explanation, collective paranoia takes hold and everyone’s worst instincts are released. Interrogations, the abolition of rights and the search for scapegoats ultimately lead to murder
Rosa Luxemburg
Polish socialist and Marxist Rosa Luxemburg works tirelessly in the service of revolution in early 20th century Poland and Germany. While Luxemburg campaigns for her beliefs, she is repeatedly imprisoned as she forms the Spartacist League offering a new vision for Germany.
How to Dupe a Lawyer
Unit Manager
Attorney Horic is a specialist for cases connected with motoring. He approaches to his work unconventionally, he does not hesitate to search for evidence right in the terrain and he is willing to take various risks.
Vražedné pochybnosti
Unit Production Manager
Silnější než strach
Unit Production Manager
Muž s orlem a slepicí
Unit Production Manager
Summer with a Cowboy
Unit Production Manager
Hlavními postavami je mladá psycholožka Doubravka a vesnický mladík Honza Macháček. On je traktorista, který při ztřeštěné sázce dočasně přišel o řidičský průkaz, takže teď pase družstevní stádo krav, ona je na chatě se svým chlapcem Bobou, který nepříliš úspěšně studuje medicínu a právě se připravuje na opravné zkoušky. Honzova bezprostřednost, optimismus a přístup k životu i práci ostře kontrastuje se sobeckým, slabošským a nevyrovnaným Bobou a Doubravka si stále víc uvědomuje, že její cit k Bobovi zmizel a doopravdy má vlastně ráda Honzu. Otázkou je, jak se na takovou partii bude dívat její poněkud konzervativní rodina.
Na konci světa
Na konci světa
Assistant Production Manager
Production Assistant
Sedmého dne večer
Assistant Production Manager
Evil Night
Lieutenant VB, disguised as a laborer, is looking for a young woman killer among the staff of a wheel loader. But which of the possible motives found is the right one?
Evil Night
Assistant Production Manager
Lieutenant VB, disguised as a laborer, is looking for a young woman killer among the staff of a wheel loader. But which of the possible motives found is the right one?
All My Good Countrymen
Assistant Production Manager
The title "All My Good Countrymen" is not without irony as this epic tale of Czech village life from shortly after the end of the Second World War concentrates on the activities of a group of friends who are not beyond reproach in siding with a politically corrupt regime for material advancement. Are these the "good countrymen" of the title or does it refer to the rest of the village who scorn these petty authority figure with silent contempt?
Assistant Production Manager
It is 5 May 1945 and the uprising against the hated German occupiers has broken out in Prague. The Czech guards open the gate of the Pankrác prison to allow the prisoners to escape en masse. Many of them are shot dead by the German guards but young Ruda (Jaromír Hanzlík) manages to run away. He is taken care of by one of the Prague fighters, concierge Kytka. Kytka hides him in the flat of the house's owner where only the young maid Karla (Jana Brejchová) is left, ordering her to take care of Ruda.
Tři chlapi v chalupě