

Man Hunting: Resurrection
The 3rd installment of the thriller series in which immortal human weapons and hunters attack. A secret work of a certain country aiming to capture a hunter is activated. The genius murderous demon, Kyumon, who directs the operation, drafts a plan to trap the hunter. Ayano, a gravure idol, is chosen as the "bait"...
Man Hunting: Redemption
A man hunts girls who got lost in the jungle. When the news broke about one of the dead brutally murdered, a group of special forces is assigned to rescue whoever is still alive. Upon arriving at his hideout, they successfully rescue one. However little did they know that they are not dealing with an ordinary hunter. They too become a target and soon running for their lives is the only option.
GSKD-001 Cherishing
First installment of a trilogy of "Ghost Stories", featuring strenuous physical torment of a young woman.