Giannis Katranis


Ο Πειρασμός
Alekos Theofilou
Επάγγελμα: Άντρες
Η Κατερίνα από την Κίνα
Οκέυ, φίλε
Οι Πολεμιστές της Ειρήνης
Στα Δίχτυα της Αράχνης
Ιπποκράτης Και Δημοκρατία
The father of medical in Kos, Hippocrates, believes that illnesses can be treated with medicines and herbs instead of prayers and comes into conflict with the medical establishment of the island. Leaving Kos, he goes to Athens, where he is called to face a plague for save the city.
Οι σατανάδες της νύχτας
The film tells the tale of three men, who have murdered the rich mother-in-law of one of them and four members of her family in order to steal her fortune. An unemployed man decides to kill his mother-in-law in order to take her property. But when, with the help of two accomplices, he sets fire to her house, his wife and their two children will die with her.
Ως την Τελευταία Στιγμή
Kogas Drakos
Souliotes learn that Ali pasha is planning to attack. Photos Tzavellas and his men are ready to defend their freedom. They repel repeatedly Ali's army but after a prolonged siege the decide that they are not to be taken alive. All women go to Zaloggo where they fall off the cliffs dancing, while the men decide to die exploding a convent at Kougi mountain.
Los heroes del patibulo
Spring 1941. A group of soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Alexis Komninou, protects the border at Fort Rupel and prepares to accept the German attack. The officer together with the soldier Kosmas Georgiou undertake a spying mission of the German forces in Bulgaria.
28 Οκτωβρίου Ώρα 5.30
Kyriakos Platanias
After the Albanian war, the Kyriakos Platanias xanagyrnaei in the village, his little white, but with many badges and mutilated legs. The father of the delight that was always proud of his son could not bear the situation and resort to drink. Soon, the little white occupy the Germans led by Willy Knut, who behave like the inhabitants of servants. The new slavery is not prepared to accept the delight ...
Ο τελευταίος των κομιτατζήδων
Oi satanades tis nihtas
The film tells the tale of three men, who have murdered the rich mother-in-law of one of them and four members of her family in order to steal her fortune. An unemployed man decides to kill his mother-in-law in order to take her property. But when, with the help of two accomplices, he sets fire to her house, his wife and their two children will die with her.