The Ideal Squad is a Comedy, revolving around the duo Khue (Hoang Oanh) and Phong (Hua Vi Van). After a chance encounter, the duo drags Bay Cuc (Vo Tan Phat), Bay Suc (Nguyen Thao), Quau (Ngoc Phuoc), Quo (Ngoc Hoa) to participate in a special mission: Swapping the attached bracelet. kiss with precious diamonds and reveal the true face of Tuan (Quang Tuan) - Khue's ex-husband at the wedding between him and Tu Xoan (Le Khanh) - a female giant in the West who owns a million dollar fortune. The reluctant combination of The Ideal Squad - Phong, Khue and the Family Cuc Suc aimed at the eyes of the "bride and groom" at the luxurious resort promises to be extremely thrilling, suspenseful but no less humorous, emotional.
During a mission to Earth, two fairies are exposed to the human world for the first time. Everything is new and strange which causes lots of nuisance, but also generates laughter from acts when trying to "integrate" with the world of humans. From this, two fairies understand the meaning of love, friendship and rediscover themselves.
In the heart of Saigon, Thai and Linh are getting married. But the wedding is suddenly cut short when four other brides show up – threatening to take the groom's life. It turns out that Thai is the biggest player in the city, and has been dating all five women at the same time up until the day of his wedding. Trang is an overly jealous flight attendant, Mai Chau is a doctor who loves to party, Quyen is a sexually aggressive chef while Huynh Phuong is one fiery actress.