Martin Azarow

Birth : 1934-07-04, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Death : 2003-09-08


The Outlaws
Eugene Griswold is an average, suburban nine-to-five guy tired of working long hours for his income. Then Eugene gets mixed up in his inventor friend Stanley Flynn's get-rich-quick scheme which lands them both in prison and eventually leads to a series of misadventures when they are caught up in a bizarre prison breakout made by other prisoners which they are blamed for mastermining it and now must run from the law.
Missing Pieces
Hector Bolinas
A private detective has to deal with an unpleasant memory, a near-insoluble mystery, and a pursuing murderer inflicted with drugs and political corruption.
They Call Me Bruce?
Big Al
While working as a cook for the Cosa Nostra, an Asian immigrant who everyone calls Bruce because of his resemblance to Bruce Lee, is duped into making deliveries of "Chinese Flour"- cocaine - all across the U.S.
Some Kind of Hero
A Vietnam vet returns home from a prisoner of war camp and is greeted as a hero, but is quickly forgotten and soon discovers how tough survival is in his own country.
Born to Be Sold
Louie Blatz
A social worker tries to break up a ring of crooks who buy newborn babies from teenaged mothers and sell them to couples who can't obtain them through legal adoption channels.