Royce Henry


Best Friends Genetically Modified
Jackson's unhealthy eating habits lead to persistent nagging by his lady friend, which triggers Jackson to break off the relationship. Tony picks up the health baton and starts pressuring Jackson to take care of his body, emphasizing to him that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that he cannot serve God with all his heart if his heart and other organs are laboring to fight off self induced toxin poisoning. Jackson takes sides in the ongoing battle for the right of people to choose their own medical treatment. He partners up with Tony and Julie to become a champion for those underdogs who fight against Big Pharma and the Monsantos of the world who reap a fortune as they seize power to run the lives of the little people and jeopardize the future of the planet in their attempt to misuse science and political science to usurp God.
Old Rugged Cross
Pastor Luke Wolfe is a man with a mission: to close down the rest of the churches in town and to build a facility that will be the gem of the community. He also aims to put a wedding ring on the hand of his church's pianist, the most attractive eligible woman in town. His plans hiccup when Pastor Evan Shephard arrives in town and rents the vacant church building formerly known as Old Rugged Cross. Not only does Wolfe have a new rival for the piano player's affection, but also for the hearts of the citizens of the town he desires to dominate, including his own son, the youth pastor of his mega church.
Best Friends Recycled
Tony and Jackson have been best friends since the Vietnam War. When Jackson lines up Tony with an attractive widow, he doesn’t consider that the dynamics of his friendship with Tony could be drastically altered. Just when it looks like Tony might be tying the knot again with a woman with whom he has fallen completely in love, a past mistake rises out of the ashes to jeopardize the mutually exhilarating relationship.
Best Friends Eternally
Jackson and Tony have been best friends since the Vietnam War bonded the two men with different worldviews. Tony dutifully informs his best buddy that they can be best friends until death does them part, but until Jackson gets right with God, they can never be best friends eternally. Despite Tony's persistence in preaching the gospel, that friendship thrives in the same fashion between the atheist and the Christian for about forty years, until Madison, Tony's granddaughter, arrives on the scene. While she is busy teaching Jackson about Jesus, her grandfather wanders off the straight and narrow course, compliments of an attractive lady, who despite being several years younger than the retired English professor, professes her love for Tony and lures him into her world.