Carlos Vásquez


Assistant Director
The beginning of the twenty-first century is marked by a contradictory intersection between the transformation of the global economy and the revolution in new technologies. These two disparate new realities have disrupted customs and traditions and are now bearing witness to different drifts, some with times that anesthetize and others that excite and exhilarate, yet without knowing where they are heading. The place portrayed in Derivas (Drifts), associated with the frontier of the sea and fishing boats, begins to be occupied by nomadic flows of people whose interests are very different to the origin of this place, completely redrawing and resituating new events.
Director of Photography
Of all my uncles, Rodolfo was the only one who didn't want to be a blacksmith like my grandfather: He wanted to be a dancer. The search for the traces of his life leads to the discovery that in the eighties in Paraguay, under Stroessner's dictatorship, Rodolfo was included in one of the "108 lists of homosexuals", arrested and tortured. Rodolfo's story reveals a part of the hidden and silenced history of my country. In "Cuchillo de palo" two generations come face to face in a confrontation that ultimately allows each of us to understand our place in the world.