A hybrid animated / live-action documentary that explores the past, present and future of Peacemaking Circles, and how this ancient restorative justice practice has been reimagined to keep youth out of prison. The film tracks the parallel stories of a troubled teen facing serious jail time, and the former Cambodian gang leader serving as his mentor.
A story of love, war, and hardship in 13th-century Persia.
Storyboard Artist
A story of love, war, and hardship in 13th-century Persia.
A story of love, war, and hardship in 13th-century Persia.
Art Direction
A headstrong young girl in Afghanistan, ruled by the Taliban, disguises herself as a boy in order to provide for her family.
Sohrab, a young Iranian soldier, finds himself face-to-face with his fellow citizens during a demonstration.
Sohrab, a young Iranian soldier, finds himself face-to-face with his fellow citizens during a demonstration.