Randall Oliver


No Loss / No Gain
Willy Spitz
A mysterious modern-day Robin Hood gives the victims of a bank robbery a million dollar opportunity.
Officer Daniel G. McTaggart
A complicated thriller takes the viewer through layers of reality into the inner worlds of a ruthless lawyer and his wife, Selah, who he has wronged. She is on a mission to rid the world of evil-hearted men in order to gain back favor with The Maker and earn her spot in Heaven, once her earthly mission is complete.
The Bigfoot Election
The story about a small ski town that is being taken over by the current Sheriff until an unlikely hero steps forward.
S.W.A.T. Team Member (uncredited)
In a violent, near-apocalyptic Detroit, evil corporation Omni Consumer Products wins a contract from the city government to privatize the police force. To test their crime-eradicating cyborgs, the company leads street cop Alex Murphy into an armed confrontation with crime lord Boddicker so they can use his body to support their untested RoboCop prototype. But when RoboCop learns of the company's nefarious plans, he turns on his masters.
Computer Beach Party
Greedy locals are trying to turn some beach property into a tourist attraction, and a computer expert sets out to use his knowledge of computers--along with the help of several local "beach bunnies"--to stop them.