Gabriel Saint-Aubin


League of Gods
Special Effects Supervisor
During the reign of King Zhou, an official enters his bedchamber, and is devoured by the monstrous tails of Daji, his concubine. Outside their city, several warriors within a metal wagon discuss their strategies to free the Invisible People and their Chief, when Jiang Ziya appears to them. He tells them that when King Zhou was younger, he let himself become possessed by the Black Dragon for his quest for power.
Sequence Supervisor
Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton venture into the world outside of the fence and are taken into protective custody by a mysterious agency known as the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.
JK's House
Blending family values and life lessons with music and dance, JK's House entertains while teaching kids important life lessons about such topics as being thankful, patience, manners, caring, sharing, family focused and much more.