Alan Holasek

Alan Holasek

Birth : 1989-01-01, United States of America


Alan Holasek


The Diabolical Schemes of Thadeus Jackson
Brad The TV Show Host
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The Great War
In November of 1918 as World War I was ending, a unit of American soldiers goes behind enemy lines to find a lost platoon of African American soldiers.
The Horror
Marion Fish makes a documentary following her attempt to find her best friend's killer. Little does she know that she is actually the subject of the killer's own filmmaking ambitions.
Middle-aged and divorced, Wilson finds himself lonely, smug, and obsessed with his past.
I Am Not a Serial Killer
Angry Mob
Fifteen-year old John Cleaver is dangerous, and he knows it. He’s obsessed with serial killers, but really doesn’t want to become one. Terrible impulses constantly tempt him, so for his own sake, and the safety of those around, he lives by rigid rules to keep himself “good” and “normal”. However, when a real monster shows up in his town he has to let his dark side out in order to stop it – but without his rules to keep him in check, he might be more dangerous than the monster he’s trying to kill.
The End of the Tour
Box Office Clerk (uncredited)
The story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace, which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace's groundbreaking epic novel, 'Infinite Jest.'
Dear White People
College Student (uncredited)
Four college students attend an Ivy League college where a riot breaks out over an “African-American” themed party thrown by white students. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the film explores racial identity in 'post racial' America while weaving a story about forging one's unique path in the world.