Patricia Velásquez


Thoughtfully, lovingly, Aurora tells the story of an unwanted pregnancy. Alongside her work as an architect, 40-year-old Luisa gives inspirational creative workshops to children. One day, she comes across 17-year-old Julia by the school toilets; it turns out she has unintentionally become pregnant. Luisa decides to help her – in the process manoeuvring herself into a difficult position somewhere between friend, teacher and mother figure. Or does she secretly enjoy playing this role?
A 35 year old Chilean exiled mom reconnects an old college love through Facebook, that moments sets dilemma: she might turn into the woman she swore she will never be: her mother.
Executive Producer
A 35 year old Chilean exiled mom reconnects an old college love through Facebook, that moments sets dilemma: she might turn into the woman she swore she will never be: her mother.
A 35 year old Chilean exiled mom reconnects an old college love through Facebook, that moments sets dilemma: she might turn into the woman she swore she will never be: her mother.
A 35 year old Chilean exiled mom reconnects an old college love through Facebook, that moments sets dilemma: she might turn into the woman she swore she will never be: her mother.
La sombra del Naranjo
After a stroke, Óscar Naranjo is no longer the same. But his life is not over and the man who was once the tree that sheltered the entire family, is now the one who needs his loved ones. The documentary delves into a family that will have to take on tough challenges to remain united, as if the tree that held them all their life continues providing the same shade.
La sombra del Naranjo
After a stroke, Óscar Naranjo is no longer the same. But his life is not over and the man who was once the tree that sheltered the entire family, is now the one who needs his loved ones. The documentary delves into a family that will have to take on tough challenges to remain united, as if the tree that held them all their life continues providing the same shade.
Two Waters
Patricia's Velásquez's feature debut follows a Costa Rican boy who hopes to attend a soccerschool his family cannot afford -but that his brother is determined to sen him to by any means necessary. Two Waters is a beautiful tale of friendship and loss, moral compromises great and small, and the persistence of dreams.
Red Princesses
The Nicaraguan border in the eighties. Eleven-year-old Claudia and her younger sister experience the street fighting at first hand outside their car window. Their parents are Sandinista activists and, although the family is now escaping to neighbouring Costa Rica, the struggle continues. Their parents fire off terse commands and the girls are packed off to their relatives. The film focuses on the point of view of the two sisters, who are very close, as they learn more than they are able to cope with, but too little really to understand. A revolutionary struggle, seen through the eyes of children.
No tan lejos de Andrómeda
After a long period ofexile, Félix and Magui return to their country. Magui's fathers take them to one of the houses of the family. Félix resistance to adapt himself to the social reality of the country and the presence of "aliens" on the region start to trouble the chief of the family.