After relocating to Tokyo, a Brazilian writer begins a new novel, provoked by her experiences in Japan and by one of the last scenes she witnessed in Rio de Janeiro: a female swimmer tearing up the horizon with powerful strokes in the wide, open sea. Those two women apparently share no connection, until their lives start to interfere in one another, strangely linked through the sea. Hannah, the writer, plunges into a journey of self-discovery in Japan, while Ana, the swimmer in Rio de Janeiro, oddly has her body transformed into some kind of inner Ocean.
When a child is forced to become the house's adult because her father is sick and her mother is dead, there's an inversion in the natural order of things. Childhood becomes a saga. And the frustrated parenthood turns into a conviction.
Original Music Composer
A restaurant owner going over the edge when an armed robbery is attempted at his establishment. He holds everyone captive at gunpoint – criminals and customers alike – and situations corrode into a nightmare state, guided by manipulation and raw compulsion.
Isabel is a babysitter pregnant of her own child and can't wait to be a mother. Until she meets Joana.
Original Music Composer
Three desperate stories about working life in São Paulo.
At Lara's 13th birthday, her mother takes her to a picnic in the park. Everything goes well until the girl disappears, leaving the mother in complete despair.
Original Music Composer
After her husband loses his job, Helena opens her own grocery store. Soon, increasingly strange events begin to plague her store, making her question her sanity.
Odete tries to guess where her husband would be hidden. But there is no possible hiding place.