Made in collaboration with the Cree community of Waswanipi, this is an extraordinary documentary that is equal parts observational and poetic. Shot over a year, co-directors Nicolas Lachapelle and Ariel St-Louis Lamoureux follow a group of children through their daily life. A generous and human meditation on identity and place that's unfettered by an issue-driven hook or an imposed narrative, this is the rare sort of film that transcends categorization, becoming a beautiful work of art to behold.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A group of jilted souls have found refuge inside a forsaken neighbourhood scorched by brutal violence, fire and destruction. They try to build themselves a home but the memories of the place still walk among them.
A group of jilted souls have found refuge inside a forsaken neighbourhood scorched by brutal violence, fire and destruction. They try to build themselves a home but the memories of the place still walk among them.
A group of jilted souls have found refuge inside a forsaken neighbourhood scorched by brutal violence, fire and destruction. They try to build themselves a home but the memories of the place still walk among them.
A group of jilted souls have found refuge inside a forsaken neighbourhood scorched by brutal violence, fire and destruction. They try to build themselves a home but the memories of the place still walk among them.