Filippo Fassetta


My Policeman
First Assistant Director
In the late 1990s, the arrival of elderly invalid Patrick into Marion and Tom’s home triggers the exploration of seismic events from 40 years previous: the passionate relationship between Tom and Patrick at a time when homosexuality was illegal.
Sorry if I Love You
First Assistant Director
Alex Belli is a 37 year old advertising executive whose fiancée Elena has just left him, and who is having difficulty at work trying to think of a good advertising campaign for a new Japanese product. Niki is a bubbly 17 year old student. She has three best friends with whom she shares all her problems, and an annoying ex-boyfriend Fabio who is set on getting her back, but Niki's not interested. One day on his way to work, Alex collides with Niki on a city street. They soon begin a romance, despite their 20-year age gap.
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
First Assistant Director
Bridget Jones is becoming uncomfortable in her relationship with Mark Darcy. Apart from discovering that he's a conservative voter, she has to deal with a new boss, a strange contractor and the worst vacation of her life.
Second Assistant Director
Roberto Benigni adapts the classic children's tale by Carlo Collodi for the big-budget family-oriented comedy Pinocchio.
Merry Christmas
First Assistant Director
Four Italian men are suddenly involved in awkward situations, while they are spending the Christmas holiday, stuck in Amsterdam.
Indiscretion of an American Wife
Second Assistant Director
An American diplomat's wife meets an Italian vintner at an embassy soirée. He sees her as more than just her "husband's hostess". Her husband has been so focused on advancing his career that he has forgotten how to see her as a woman, which the Italian reminds her that she is.
Craving Desire
Script Supervisor
In this erotic thriller (Vittoria Bellevedere) is cast as the stereotypical evil woman who charms innocent men with her physical attractions and then destroys them like a praying mantis munching on her unfortunate mate, head first, just after their sexual union. Unlike the female mantis, this woman slowly ruins the life of the man she has seduced instead of finishing him off immediately - providing fodder for the film, and scenes reminiscent of Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct.
Ritorno dalla morte
Assistant Director
When a woman is beaten into a coma and saved from being raped by her handyman (Donald O'Brien), the local security force does a cover-up to save the town's reputation and frames the saviour. After he hangs himself, the woman's strange comatose psi-powers revive him from the dead to exact revenge.