Jane West

Jane West


Jane West


Cabin 11
A woman must burn down a cabin to break an ancient curse.
Two amateur film-makers find the movie they thought they were making, is actually making them.
The Shadow of Death
Set in an English woodland countryside, Debra and her best friends Jamie and Nancy pick up Dan, Nancey's ex, to go out to the woods to score some weed. Unknown to them a killer who resembles death is cleansing the countryside. With a wannabe policeman and an assortment of the public out for some fresh air, the woods are no place to go down today.
The Fetch
Dijon, in the time of Napoleon. Emilie Sagee begins her career as a schoolteacher - a career haunted by a mysterious handicap that led to her losing 18 jobs in 16 years. This reconstruction is based on the evidence of her pupils and covers the year she spent at a school in Latvia-a year which nearly brought the school to ruin and forced her at last to face the cause of her misfortunes.