Čejen Černić

Birth : , Osijek, Croatia


My Grandpa is an Alien
Una and an alien robot have 24 hours to find her Grandpa who was kidnapped by aliens. The extraordinary adventure leads to friendship, the rational robotic logic is replaced by emotions and Una's selfless love saves her partly alien family.
The Mystery of Green Hill
Koko and his friends are spending summer vacation on the shores of a lake near the idyllic Green Hill, hanging out and playing. The magical countryside is disturbed by unusual events which alarm the children as well as the locals: under cover of night, burglars break into one house after another. When the police turns a blind eye to denunciations by adults, the children decide to take matters into their own hands and unmask the burglars.
Love or Death
Assistant Director
It seems that football is still the most important thing in Koko's life and the upcoming encounter between the infamous “Pirates” and Koko's team “Green Hill” the central event of the season. Zlatko is still spending every second reading books and scolding Koko for being immature. To prove him wrong, Koko tells him that he is unhappily in love with Ana, a mysterious girl as magical as the heroines from Zlatko’s novels. Koko’s mischievous sister Marica, secretive friend Ema and insolent Melita have their own band – Koko’s team will go to a concert, as will the girls go to their football games. We will find out whether the boys are really that interested in music and the girls in football in Love or Death - the new film from the Koko serial.
The Reaper
Assistant Director
Haunted by his dark past, a labourer in a small Croatian village has a series of fateful encounters over the course of a single night.
The Mysterious Boy
Assistant Director
Witty and resourceful fourteen-year-old Koko solves yet another mystery - aided by his friends. One of them, Tomo, has recently moved to the city and longs for adventure. The boys notice that their new classmate acts curiously. Step by step, joined by their classmate Marijana, they unveil the boy's dark secret.
Assistant Director
An action comedy centered on Blubberella, an overweight half-vampire woman whose footsteps cause explosions and whose dual swords are used against anyone who makes fun of her. She must face an army of undead Nazi soldiers in her valiant struggle against bloodshed and tyranny.
BloodRayne: The Third Reich
Assistant Director
Rayne fights against the Nazis in Europe during World War II, encountering Ekart Brand, a Nazi leader whose target is to inject Adolf Hitler with Rayne's blood in an attempt to transform him into a dhampir and attain immortality.
Forest Creatures
Assistant Director
The new Dutch owner of a Croatian marketing agency is organizing an action-style team building for his employees over weekend. After rafting which ends up with an incident, the employees divide in two paintball groups. While making their way through the forest full of surprises – a local family who is plotting against their lives, suspicious instructors, a random pair of hikers and bizarre accidents. As the day comes to its end, it is clear that, after this game, nothing will ever be the same.