The film's story revolves around Asakusa-born-and-raised Gen, who helps out at his family's strip club. With his friends Makoto, Jimmy, and Mattsun, the four get into fights together, as well as help out with watching out for Gen's family. One night, Gen is told by his father to pick up a woman at the train station. There, he finds the beautiful Chōcho (lit. butterfly), and falls in love with her at first sight. However, he finds out that she is the #1 strip girl in Osaka, and Gen gets eccentric when he finds out that she'll be living in "England Theater," the strip club his father runs.
A doctor and his family receive an unexpected delivery from an old friend at their remote country home - a large wooden crate containing a gun, a female zombie and an instruction sheet telling them not to feed her meat. The family is concerned, of course, but she seems harmless enough. Perhaps she can help clean up outside?
A success story about creating an adult shop for women by women. The struggle of young heroines aiming to open a new store is powerfully projected with a girl talk of a real explosion. 20-year-old Minatsu Serizawa (Yuri Murakami), who dropped out of nursing school, is living in the room of her best friend Honoka (Rina Akiyama). She was looking for a job she wanted to do, but one day she went out for a drive with Honoka and other female friends and found a desolate adult shop. Come up with the idea of starting a business.