Melissa Clayton


A Child Lost Forever: The Jerry Sherwood Story
A teenage mother is forced to give up her baby for adoption and, 19 years later, when she tries to contact her son, she learns that he died, under questionable circumstances when he was three years old.
Stay the Night
Based on a true story, Barbara Hershey and Morgan Weisser portray two star crossed lovers who will stop at nothing to be together without any ridicule. "Stay the Night" tells the dark tale of the controversial romance of a small town teenage boy named Michael Kettman and a free-spirited older woman named Jimmie Sue Finger, who suffers from an abusive marriage. Jimmie Sue and her younger lover plot to murder her husband, which leads to either eternal bliss for the both of them or a curse on their relationship.
House IV
Laurel Cobb
Roger Cobb is killed in a car accident. His family must move into the house that has haunted him for several years. Soon the family begins to experience scary and unexplained phenomena.
Caddie Woodlawn
Ella Mae Hayman
The exciting adventures of an 11-year-old tomboy growing up in the Wisconsin frontier of the 1860s. Based on the children's book.