'The Last Party' is a young romantic comedy that follows a group of four friends at their high school graduation party. Each protagonist with their love dilemma to solve throughout the night, all connected by the issues of this generation. It's their last night as teenagers. The last night with friends before being separated by different colleges. The last night before the rest of their lives.
After discovering a betrayal, Carlinhos takes a fun stranger to accompany him on Christmas. But Graça proves to be a madwoman capable of bringing the traditional family home down.
An egotistical stand-up comedian fights with a spectator and gets fired. To be able to pay his son's pension, he decides to participate in a comedy group contest. Now he will need to work harmoniously with the rest of the team.
Joseph Charles
A shy student suddenly becomes the center of attention when she wins a huge birthday party that she never asked for.
Anjo Gabriel
In a convention of youtubers, the characters enter into various conflicts since they are all in search of fame at any price.