Atsuko Ohno


Associate Producer
To address the social crisis, Chiken - a buddhist monk - throws himself into various tasks such as a suicide helpline, in his temple in Yamanashi. In Fukushima, his old mate Ryûgyô - whose temple was wrecked by the tsunami - lives in a portacabin and works on construction sites.
Running on Empty
The beautiful Azami is tired of her penniless and lazy boyfriend, Hideji. Determined to break up with him, she must first get back all the money she has given him over the years. She hatches a plot in which she fakes her own kidnapping to get Hideji to pay a ransom. Things get hilariously complicated when all parties involved act to their own agendas.
Pandora's Box
After Japan's defeat in WWII, "Pandora no hako" follows a young man named Risuke (Shota Sometani) who has contracted tuberculosis. He travels to the countryside to a unique nursing facility to receive treatment for his disease. At the sanatorium all the patients and nurses go by nicknames and Risuke decides to reinvent himself as Hibari. During his stay, Hibari develops realationships with other patients and nurses. After Hibari's friend Tsuikushi (Yosuke Kubozuka) gets discharged from the nursing facility, Hibari writes to him about his relationships with Dakesang (Mieko Kawakami) the chief nurse and Mabo (Riisa Naka) another nurse that is bright and seems to like him.
Where Are We Going?
Akira Tachibana who work at Kinoshita foundry can not love other people because of the trauma he suffered by being molested by his manager Kinoshita, who have both been like a father to Akira since he was little. Akira has lived a meaningless life. One day, when Akira driving his motorcycle, he meets a woman dressed in a red dress in a tunnel. He takes back the unconscious woman to his apartment and takes care of her, but when she wakes up, she walks away from his place without a word. This is the moment Akira meets Kaori Yamamoto.
from DARK
Under Professor Furuchi, Kawano has been engaged in the development of a new vaccine against the unidentified substance which fell from outer space. People infected with it begin to attack other human beings for blood. The one and only way to prevent the attacks of the infected people is getting vaccinated and becoming one of them. Kawano has volunatrily chosen to be infected for absorbing in the research. His girlfriend Taeko is worried about him and visits the laboratory. She tries to rescue Kawano in cooperation with his friend Sawamura, a medical practitioner in town: meanwhile, the mysterious black substance has started pouring down from the sky...
Stratosphere Girl
Production Coordinator
Angela is a French art student living in Germany who loves to draw comics and creates elaborate tales drawn in a soft and romantic style. One night, Angela meets Yamamoto, a club DJ from Japan, who invites her to come to Tokyo with him. Infatuated with Yamamoto, Angela impulsively agrees, and is soon sharing an apartment with a handful of Western expatriates who work at a nightclub where Japanese businessmen drink, sing karaoke, and date the "hostesses" for a fee.
Secret Journey
I (Ken MItsuishi), documentary video maker, saw a guy named YUDA (Kazuma Honda) in middle of Tokyo. I was curious about Yuda and begun following him around, but one day he disappeared with my video camera. A couple months later, a lady name Michi Nakamura (Yukiko Okamoto) came to my office. She had the strap of my video camera that Yuda stole from me, and said she saw the address that was on the strap, so she came here. I asked her about Yuda, and she told me that he was dead. Right after she left my office, she was hit by a car, I visited her in hospital and she begins to tell me about the mysterious story of her and Yuda.
Trouble Maker Lucy
A nasty trigger girl, named Lucy who always making any trouble and bother everyone's around her life. With her behavior lead to the chaos in everywhere she goes. It seems, when the trouble happened she wills be happy as her favorites. Meanwhile, she has to encounter with her opponent, Hanako in such funny competition. Then, a fierce battle Lucy and Hanako ensues.