Joshua Neale


After being accused of sexually assaulting a girl at a party, Andy uses a public twitter confessional to rewrite his story.
Despicable Dick and Righteous Richard
Dick Kuchera has been pissing people off for 50 years. A recovering alcoholic from North Dakota, he finally musters the courage to complete the eighth and ninth steps of the 12-Step Program. With a list of everyone he's wronged -- from ex-wives to ex-mistresses, abandoned children to slighted pals -- Richard tries to make amends. But has he really changed?
My Summer of Love
Producer's Assistant
In the Yorkshire countryside, working-class tomboy Mona meets the exotic, pampered Tamsin. To seal their friendship, Mona introduces Tamsin to her born-again Christian brother and helps her spy on her adulterous father. Bound together by their secrets, the two girls see their friendship deepen and enter into dangerous waters.