Marfa Ponomarenko


Arabesques on the Pirosmani Theme
Short film from Sergei Parajanov, a personal view of the director on the spectacular heritage of Niko Pirosmani (1862–1918), a Georgian primitivist painter.
The Troubled Month of Veresen
Autumn 1944. Wounded scout returns to his home village only to fight with bandits.
The Grandfather of the Left Winger
Trofim Bessarab has been working as a house painter for all his life. He is a pensioner now and it seems that he can let himself have a rest. But idleness is not for Trofim. His nature is to be a working man and he looks for the way to apply his irrepressible energy, he possesses despite his age.
The Color of Pomegranates
The life of the revered 18th-century Armenian poet and musician Sayat-Nova. Portraying events in the life of the artist from childhood up to his death, the movie addresses in particular his relationships with women, including his muse. The production tells Sayat-Nova's dramatic story by using both his poems and largely still camerawork, creating a work hailed as revolutionary by Mikhail Vartanov.
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
In a Carpathian village, Ivan falls in love with Marichka, the daughter of his father's killer. When tragedy befalls her, his grief lasts months; finally he rejoins the colorful life around him, marrying Palagna. She wants children but his mind stays on his lost love. To recapture his attention, Palagna tries sorcery, and in the process comes under the spell of the sorcerer, publicly humiliating Ivan, who then fights the sorcerer. The lively rhythms of village life, the work and the holidays, the pageant and revelry of weddings and funerals, the change of seasons, and nature's beauty give proportion to Ivan's tragedy.
Flower on the Stone
Set in a new mining town in the Donets Coal Basin, it centres on a clash between the young miners, the political establishment, and a religious cult lead by a devious Pentecostal evangelist infiltrated into the community who tries to make the workers fall under his influence.
We Were Going and Going
A comedy about the trip of Tarapunki and Shtepselya (popular artists of the Soviet stage of the 60s) to a concert in Moscow. The heroes were not lucky: the thirteenth car, in which they were supposed to arrive in the capital, was forgotten to be attached to the train. The merry men go to Moscow on the railroad ties, dragging a wagon ...
Ukrainian Rhapsody
Singer Oksana has lost her beloved in the war. Everyone thinks he perished, but actually he was taken prisoner, then ran away, hid, fell into American hands, and… Finally, he returns to his village, and meets Oksana. —Yerevan International Film Festival