One day a young woman named Blanca is saved by Xuan, a snake catcher from a nearby village. She has lost her memory, and together they go on a journey to discover her real identity, developing deeper feelings for one another along the way. But as they learn more about her past, they uncover a darker plot of supernatural forces vying for power, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
A cat named Blanket has long been living in a high-rise apartment in the city with his son, Cloak. One day, curious about the outside world, Cloak decides to leave home and embarks on an adventure to find the legendary cat's paradise. To find his son, Blanket must overcome his fear and reconcile with his past, with the help of a female Macaw.
A group of tea pets—cute clay figurines that are good-luck charms for tea drinkers—embark on a magical animated adventure to find a fabled mystic.
Thirteen year old Xiao-Yan is devoted to her studies at her local school and determined to use them as a spring-board out of her mundane fate. Unfortunately for her, the school fees for the new term are set to increase from 20 yuan up to 24 and her mother, struggling to cope on her meager income while her husband is away working, is unwilling to stump up the new amount. Young Xiao-Yan is made of sterner stuff though and, in between looking after her two troublesome younger brothers during the holidays, she thinks of a way to raise the money herself. Initially she takes eggs from home and tries to sell them at the market, but this scheme proves to offer scant reward for her efforts. Inspired by the transactions of the local cattle market, Xiao-Yan forms an unsteady alliance with a street-smart urchin to raise a lamb with the intention of selling it on later for significant profit.