Markus B. Altmeyer


Bingo im Kopf
Ein Sommer in Südfrankreich
After the death of uncle Olivier, his estate, a small chateau in Provence and the small town's only undertaker firm in its cellar, befall equally and jointly to his local stepson André Vidal, who runs the business since Olivier semi-retired ill, and German cousin, business consultant Charlotte. She arrives from Frankfort to sell the estate at the skyrocketing prices for such idyllic hospitality industry sites. André is shocked, determined to preserve the town's social fabric by preserving Olivier's heritage, and disappointed she doesn't even recognize him as childhood best playmate. It turns out the backward taxes are a ticking bomb, which she sneakily intends to ignite, only André's charms and the lavender-scented bucolic way of life appeal ever more even to businesslike Charlotte.
Der Athen Krimi: Trojanische Pferde
Mit Burnout durch den Wald
Six wildly different people have no clue what's install for them on 'pioneering' burnout therapist Hannah's forest hike to a desolate hotel in Märkischen Schweiz, with some tricks to force them out of their comfort zones in completely different circumstances then those which gave them regular stress. Workaholic restructuring management consultant Johann Meininger was tricked to take the course as his PA convinced his boss to dump him due to expensive seniority, but finds a new challenge when sparks flow between him and equally cocky teacher Silvia Rautenberg, a disorganized single mother of two who has tinnitus. Editing lecturer Alfred is desperate after 500 failed job applications and hamburger jobs. Yuppie designer Rosa is stuck in short-term apprenticeships. Fresh pensioner Herbert wants adventure after 40 years of patient care, but his wife Gudrun fears any risk. Therapist Hannah looses control.