Andrés Martorell De Llanza

Birth : 1925-07-04, Santiago, Chile

Death : 2002-02-07


Gracia y el Forastero
Director of Photography
El afuerino
Director of Photography
With clear stylistic references to the spaghetti western, the film tells a story set in the Chilean countryside in a bygone era. The script, which tries to offer a folkloric costumbrista picture through an anecdote of love and revenge, is primary and unsubstantial. In many moments the film turns out to be comic when it is supposed to be dramatic and vice versa.
Forbidden to Step on Clouds
Director of Photography
A textile factory accountant takes charge of a complex machine that is the axis of the whole factory. This will slowly turn him into a slave.
Ayúdeme usted compadre
Photoscience Manager
A select group of immortal Chilean songs, from folklore and pop, that show us the beauty and diversity of the country.
New Love
Director of Photography
New Love is a non-linear film that consist in succession of sequences showing the world of young people of the late sixties.Deeply focused on the hippie culture in Chile.
Tierra quemada
Director of Photography
The story, set at the end of the 19th century, revolves around the rivalry between two families of ancient peasant lineage, the Valladares and the evil Vilches who, out of greed and sentimental revenge, try to dispossess the true owners of their land. The Valladares defend theirs, ending the conflict with a melee between the two main rivals. There are duels, fires, chases, kidnappings, betrayals and deaths. There is also a romantic note, the costumbrista landscape, the laughable moment and the folk songs.
A Long Journey
Photoscience Manager
The death of his newborn brother will cause a child from the poor neighborhoods of Santiago to walk around the city with the lost cardboard wings that the dead baby lost after the wake, trying to return them to him with the illusion that his little brother can fly to heaven.
Faro Evangelista
Director of Photography
At the end of the world, at the southern tip of Chile, the Evangelistas lighthouse stands on one of four islands. A point of orientation, built in 1986 in order to guide the ships that sail, through the darkness of the Pacific Ocean.
Return to Silence
Director of Photography
After living many years in Miami, Bill returns to Chile looking for his brother. One night they meet again and celebrate the event with a night of revelry. The next day, Bill wakes up alone and since then he loses all traces of his brother. Mysteriously a detective appears and offers to help, starting a searching and a succession of misunderstandings.
El burócrata González
Photoscience Manager
The head of a plumbing and electrical workshop is a victim of bureaucracy in public offices and is unable to pay his debts, so his workshop is closed. With a lot of luck he manages to get a repair job in the house of a minister, then he enters to work in a ministry, also becoming a bureaucrat. Taking advantage of his friendship with the minister, he is promoted to become chief archivist, but he realizes the routine that is filling the job and resigns.
The Body and the Blood
Rosita is a young girl suffering from her parents' divorce. Desperate and not knowing where to turn, she finds refuge in a church. The rituals of the Eucharist, the advice of a priest and her faith in God give her back the hope she needs to continue with her life.
Pobres habrá siempre
Director of Photography
"Pobres habrá siempre" is a rarity within Argentine cinema for many reasons. Its theme is the rebellion of a group of meatpacking workers around 1935 and the several reasons that justified it, but the film was shot at a time when workers and union struggles were very strange issues for local production.
Director of Photography
Detailed record of the celebration of the day of the Virgin of Andacollo, a feast that takes place between December 23 and 27 in the city of Andacollo, located in the Coquimbo Region, Chile. The arrival of the pilgrims, the way to the temple, and the beginning of the procession of the Virgin through the town, along with the dances of the numerous brotherhoods that gather. Then, the penitences for completed errands, other activities around the festivity and, finally, the departure of the pilgrims.
The Big Chamorro Circus
The hard-working owner of a circus, Euríspides Chamorro (Eugenio Retes), goes to Santiago in search of his son, a medical student, but finds to his surprise that he has dropped out of school and no one knows his whereabouts. To make matters worse, one of his employees snatches the circus from him, starting an adventure to recover everything and to convince his son to become a doctor.
El último cowboy
Director of Photography
Los problemas de papá
Director of Photography
Rescate de sangre
Director of Photography
During the colonial period, a man buys a small piece of land in Mendoza and marries a slave woman. The dry and arid climate harms the yield of the land from it. In need of money to buy the freedom of his spouse, he decides to undertake the task of building with his own hands a kilometric ditch that carries water from the river to his fields.
El alma de los niños
In the 1944 San Juan earthquake, the parents of a child died who had to go live with an evil aunt but who, finally, succeeded as an actor.
Uno que ha sido marino
Director of Photography
Two shoeshine girls and a newspaper vendor survive in the Mapocho neighborhood of Santiago. While looking for better luck, Maruja becomes involved with a businessman who helps her become a famous singer. Meanwhile, the two shoeshine boys happen to come across some money from a bank robbery, changing their luck.
Martín pescador
Director of Photography
Río Abajo
Director of Photography
Rosario is a beautiful young peasant who travels along the Maule river to be employed in a house of dubious reputation. The young girl falls in love with Juan, a robust and attractive fisherman. Don Ramón a hairdresser seduces the young woman and travels down the river with his new love.
El paso maldito
Director of Photography
It narrates the misadventures of a bad boss (Arturo Gonzálvez) who falls in love with a poor girl (Chela Bon), harming a good young man (Lautaro Murúa)
La mano del muertito
Director of Photography
A film that mixes comedy with mystery. A hairdresser (Lucho Córdoba) is a fan of detective novels, to the point of fantasizing while he works, which causes him several problems with his boss. Suddenly he finds himself involved in a plot as if it were taken from one of them.
Mis espuelas de plata
Director of Photography
The owner of a ranch pretends to a woman who is in love with a young blacksmith and spur craftsman. Because of his jealousy, the owner threatens the young man to pay a high mortgage to continue living on his ranch.
Tonto Pillo
Director of Photography
El Chepo (Lucho Córdoba) must take care of his six brothers, all laborers on a quiet farm. The arrival of the landlady, with her two daughters and their suitor, upsets the place. After several entanglements, El Chepo must go to Santiago on an errand, but is the victim of the "uncle's story", losing all the money, being forced to perform all the possible tasks to recover it.
Bitter Truth
Director of Photography
A very modest employee exchanges her newborn child with the baby of a wealthy family. However, years later, when the young man is about to graduate as a doctor, he begins to investigate his hidden past.