Yuri Yelkhov

Yuri Yelkhov


Yuri Yelkhov


Pirozhki s Kartoshkoy
Director of Photography
Веселая история о том, как уберечь отношения и жениться на любимой девушке. Не дать брачному аферисту разрушить союз и увести свою невесту. Иногда для этого нужно приложить много усилий, а иногда нужно просто... просто проснуться. А пирожки? Просто хорошо, когда твоя девушка вкусно готовит.
Anastasiya Slutskaya
The action takes place at the beginning of the 16th century. The rich Belarusian lands that are part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, located at the intersection of trade routes, are attacked by Tatars. With rapid raids, the Crimean cavalry reaches all Belarusian cities without exception. The conquerors stormed the fortress, robbed, stole the population into slavery, leaving behind ashes. On the way, the troops of the Crimean Tatars, among the few who have not yet been defeated, stand up to the brave squad and brave residents of the city of Slutsk, whose defense after the death of the husband of Prince Semyon Olelkovich was led by Princess Anastasia Slutskaya.
Сын за отца...
Director of Photography
Based on Clifford Simak's story "All Flesh is Grass". In the small settlement strange things lately are created, and soon the settlement is cut off from the outside world by an insuperable wall. The scientist Alexander Kartin tries to investigate the unusual phenomenon.
Based on Clifford Simak's story "All Flesh is Grass". In the small settlement strange things lately are created, and soon the settlement is cut off from the outside world by an insuperable wall. The scientist Alexander Kartin tries to investigate the unusual phenomenon.
Forgive Us Mother Russia
A criminal story about how a KGB investigator tries to rehabilitate an innocent-convicted Red Army soldier and when she manages to prove his innocence - the power in the country changes and it is removed from further investigation.
Cat Killer Silver
A patient in a psychiatric ward believes he lives in the belly of a whale, where he's transported himself to escape from the vulgarity and haste of the modern world.
Наш бронепоезд
Camera Operator
‎Two on the Island of Tears‎
Director of Photography
A love story which happened in the small village during a visit of two rich city boys.
Organized Trip to the Theatre‎
A lot of funny stuff is going on in a far way village located between forests and lakes.
Пастух Янка
Director of Photography