Heinz-Josef Braun

Heinz-Josef Braun

Birth : 1957-12-31, Munich, Bavaria, Germany


Heinz-Josef Braun


Der Kaiser
Vater Beckenbauer
Biopic charting the career of legendary German footballer Franz Beckenbauer who won the World Cup as a player in 1974, and then as the West German team's coach in 1990. Taking place against the backdrop of the stunning global tournaments, the film depicts a man who railed against the rigid structures and outdated rules in football and fought to conduct his private life as he wished, outside of the moral constraints and expectations of the time.
Bis es mich gibt
Heinz Stemminger
What Matters Most
Roland Wolf
The lawyer Ella Wolf and her childhood friend Florian come from the same place but live in different worlds. He stayed in idyllic Bad Friedlingen and continues to run the organic farm of his deceased parents. For him, the modern milking machine means maximum change. Ella, on the other hand, is about to take the next step in her career in a renowned Munich law firm: one more test and she will become the youngest junior partner of all time! At her best friend's hilarious wedding party, the two meet and get closer than ever! When Ella returns to her home village six weeks later, she has two serious issues in her luggage: Firstly, she is pregnant by "Flo", which nobody but her knows yet, and secondly, she is supposed to push through a destructive construction project for an important client, which of all things is fought by Florian as the leader of a citizens' initiative.
Laim und die Tote im Teppich
Andreas Hermaneder
Shillings from Heaven
Tyrol, 1932: The world economic crisis is at its peak, radical political movements emerge. In a small Austrian community, the engine driver Michael Unterguggenberger accepts the mayor's office against better knowledge. But how is he supposed to save Wörgl? The power of despair and the support of his wife Rosa form the breeding ground for a daring experiment: Unterguggenberger wants to print his own money without further ado - so-called work confirmation notes. For this he not only has to convince the community of his city, but above all to rebel against the mighty banking.
Der Komödienstadel: Adam und Eva im Paradies
Klassenfahrt in die Zukunft
Till One Cries
Hanna doesn’t believe in relationships anymore. The young woman lives wildly and without restraint. She stubbornly avoids any intimacy. But when she meets Tim at a party one night, everything changes. The young man challenges Hanna.
Hattinger und der Nebel - Ein Chiemseekrimi
Dr. Frank Haller
On her run-down farm, Ursula Kammler discovers her brother's body. The two have shared, lived and worked on the legacy of the Chiemsee. For years now, colleagues from white-collar crime have been filing a case over Joe Kammler's strange business practices, but they have not been able to prove anything to him. Sarah Beck, the murder victim's secretary, is helping Hattinger, the network of business relations to finally see through: The murdered seems to have made common cause with a dubious banker. Sarah's erotic charisma attracts the Commissioner visibly in his spell ...
The Last Pig
Plum out of luck, Swabian farmer Huber’s farm goes under. Then his girlfriend Birgit takes over her father’s newly-acquired firm – in former East Germany. That's reason enough for Huber to bail on his debts and head out on a road trip through southwest Germany.
Der Komödienstadel - Agent Alois
Alois Lechner
Lena Fauch - Vergebung oder Rache
Peter Hagen
Beste Chance
Walter (Jos Vater)
Since they graduated from school five years ago, the friends Jo and Kati have not seen one another. While one of them travels around the world and has arrived in India in the meantime, the other one is struggling with the final exams of the university. But five years are like blown away when Kati one day listens to a worrying message from her friend on her answering machine. Immediately, she drops everything and drives to her home village in order to gather together the old friends from her school days and to look for Jo in India.
Trennung auf Italienisch
Pfarrer Alberti
In order to complete their divorce, Eva and Mark need to sell their house in Italy. But the house is in a terrible state and they need to work together to renovate it for the potential buyers. Though they have both moved on to new relationships, their lingering feelings and past hurts must be dealt with before they can find happiness.
Schluss! Aus! Amen!
Heinz Sailer
Honesty is the best? The original comedy tells of a farmer's clever family, which comes to this insight after some confusion. Director and author Thomas Kronthaler packages a fine morality about money, family ties and charity with a black sense of humor and a sense of subtle punchlines. In addition to Saskia Vester and Heinz-Josef Braun, who is mainly known through the films of Marcus H. Rosenmüller, shines not least the multi-award winning Gertrud Roll as a clever senior.
Paradies 505. Ein Niederbayernkrimi
Welcome to Bavaria
Der Komödienstadel -  Hummel im Himmel
Die Tote im Moorwald
After the surprising death of her mother, budding artist Josefine hastily leaves the city of Munich and moves to an old, abandoned dairy farm in the countryside. She also escapes from her friend Simon, who, contrary to his assurances, has still not separated from his wife. And Josefine finally wants to find out who her father was. Her mother had left the village and raised Josefine in the city.
Das Leben ist ein Bauernhof
Alois Hirsegger
6 weeks before her 18th birthday Katharina inherits her mothers farm with all it's problems. At the funeral she meets her two uncles, which she never met before, but turn out to be very helpful.
Was weg is, is weg
Johann Baumgarten
Tödlicher Rausch
Karl Schlagerer
The Last Employee
The lawyer David (Christian Berkel) has taken a job after a long period of unemployment, he can not agree with his conscience. He will liquidate a company and dismissed all employees. Despite his qualms, he does it - for his wife Irina (Jule Ronstedt) and his son Simon. But David's objections seem to be justified: threatened a young woman (Bibiane Beglau), which was denounced by him, and followed him. When he angrily to her home goes to admonish her, he finds her dead body. But that's the nightmare does not end. From then on, David is convinced haunted by her spirit to be.
Der Komödienstadel - A Flascherl vom Glück
Bertl Wimmerdinger
Sau Nummer vier. Ein Niederbayernkrimi
Ludwig Fellbach
Der Komödienstadel - Die Doktorfalle
Gotthold-Albert Fromm
I've Never Been Happier
Success is a question of confidence, particularly in times of crisis. Life would be unbearable if there weren’t beautiful things to brighten it up a little, including pretty faces. Frank Knöpfel constantly flirts with life with his beguiling bright blue eyes. He buys a complete stranger an expensive coat in a designer boutique just because he feels like it. He disguises himself as a businessman from Oslo, a Mafia boss, a stock exchange specialist and an estate agent, whatever it takes to bring in the cash. He is the type of person who enjoys looking in the mirror, and delights in what he sees there. A flirtation with a customer in a boutique leads to Frank’s undoing.
The Best Place to Be
Jos Papa
After they have graduated from school, the two best friends Kati and Jo jump into their purple Benz and embark on a journey around the world southwards. Kati, however, struggled with the decision for the journey as the love of her life returned to their hometown Tandern shortly before their departure. The journey leads the two friends over the Brenner pass, where their car suddenly stops working. When Kati then also learns that her grandfather is about to die, she wants to return home – this puts the friendship of the two to an acid test.
The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner
Dr. Schreiber
The story of Alex, who, with the help of his charismatic grandfather, embarks on a journey in search of his real self.
Der Komödienstadel - Dottore d'Amore
Dottore d'Amore
Grave Decisions
In this black comedy set in small-town Bavaria, 11-year-old Sebastian thinks you can never be too young to be a murderer. He's convinced that he killed his mother on the day he was born and is certain he's already been condemned to purgatory. Deciding he might be able to knock off a few years of his sentence by doing good deeds, Sebastian sets out to find a wife for his father Lorenz. When Lorenz and Sebastian's schoolteacher Veronika fall madly in love with each other, it seems the heavens must be smiling. There's just one hitch: Veronika is married.
Der Komödienstadel - Der Habererbräu
Zeit der Fische
Benno Irl Millifischer
Kurt Linprun
Der Komödienstadel - Der verkaufte Großvater
Knecht Martl
Spiel um dein Leben
It Happened in Broad Daylight
Werner - Beinhart!
Comic artist Brösel trades a magic pen that helps him come up with funny stories for the promise to fulfill one of Rumpelstiltskin's wishes. The resulting animated films show episodes of the life of Werner, a plumber apprentice and motorbike enthusiast and his friends. They are interspersed with the live-action portions.
Xaver und sein außerirdischer Freund