Anatoly Grishko

Anatoly Grishko

Birth : 1952-08-08, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


Anatoly Grishko
Anatoly Grishko
Anatoly Grishko


The Pilot. A Battle for Survival
December of 1941, Northwestern Front. A German tank column is moving towards Moscow. During a mission to stop the enemy advance, Nikolai Komlev's IL-2 is shot down. Komlev manages to crash-land his plane in a remote forest clearing. He's alive, but far from friendly territory. Ahead of him is a relentless trial of severe physical and mental endurance. After battling hunger and extreme cold, evading packs of wolves and detachments of Nazi soldiers, the wounded Komlev finally makes it back to safety. But there he faces another challenge, the most life-changing of them all.
Artist and War
Director of Photography
War leaves an indelible scary mark on people's lives, but at the same time there is an illusion, and maybe war is beautiful? The honored artist of Ukraine, Alexander Vasyakin, who had passed the blockade of Leningrad and the fronts of the Second World War, who lived a long creative life, talks on this topic. (Two monuments of work by A. Vasyakin were installed in Moscow: a monument to the Defenders of Moscow, and a sculpture of John Paul II).
The Ghost of My House
Director of Photography
Breakfast with a View to the Elbrus Mountains
After a painful break up a journalist is traveling to the Elbrus mountains where he meets another woman.
Дедушка хороший, но... не говорит куда спрятал деньги
Stepan Ivanovich - a veteran of the party, being in the responsible post of commissar of finance, decided to make a gift to the future generation, for which he hid two pounds of gold. An enterprising typist who helps in writing memoirs, having learned about the hidden treasure, is trying to “help” his grandfather suffering from sclerosis, to remember where he hid it, bringing into the matter her husband and the first psychic they could find. But the old man remembers everything ... except the place where he buried the treasure.
Дедушка хороший, но... не говорит куда спрятал деньги
Director of Photography
Stepan Ivanovich - a veteran of the party, being in the responsible post of commissar of finance, decided to make a gift to the future generation, for which he hid two pounds of gold. An enterprising typist who helps in writing memoirs, having learned about the hidden treasure, is trying to “help” his grandfather suffering from sclerosis, to remember where he hid it, bringing into the matter her husband and the first psychic they could find. But the old man remembers everything ... except the place where he buried the treasure.
Дедушка хороший, но... не говорит куда спрятал деньги
Stepan Ivanovich - a veteran of the party, being in the responsible post of commissar of finance, decided to make a gift to the future generation, for which he hid two pounds of gold. An enterprising typist who helps in writing memoirs, having learned about the hidden treasure, is trying to “help” his grandfather suffering from sclerosis, to remember where he hid it, bringing into the matter her husband and the first psychic they could find. But the old man remembers everything ... except the place where he buried the treasure.
Time of Darkness
Director of Photography
In Middle-Age Russia, a christian preacher arrives, proposing a new order. He threatens those who take part in a pagan festival with the flames of hell. But when strange crimes start to happen, local leaders decide to investigate.
The Drayman and the King
Camera Operator
Фильм-мюзикл по мотивам произведений Исаака Бабеля "Закат" и "Одесские рассказы". Молдаванка - легендарный район дореволюционной Одессы, суматошно-беззаботный мир, до краев полный по - южному яркой жизнь. Здесь обитает пестрый неунывающий люд, а также гордость Молдаванки - обаятельный бандит Беня Крик по прозвищу Король, сын биндюжника Менделя Крика. Вся эта история начинается, когда Мендель решил оставить семью и уйти к молодой красавице Маруське, продав свою знаменитую на всю Одессу конюшню…
The Pathfinder
Director of Photography
Wild West adventures in this action movie based on famous "The Pathfinder" novel by James Fenimore Cooper.
The Mercedes Man File
Director of Photography
A professional intelligence officer Ingmar Ross, an employee of one of the embassies, is tasked with recruiting a specialist from a Moscow classified company. But, having fallen in love with a Russian woman
The Evil Spirit of Yambuy
Director of Photography
The action takes place in the late 1940s. A large-scale land-surveying research is underway in a remote area of Eastern Siberia. The work had almost been concluded when a wire arrives with the news of people disappearing in the locality of Yambuy. The expedition’s chief and radioman decide to go in search of the lost ones. The local Evenk hunters come to their aid. Many dangerous adventures lie in store for these daring people before they find the culprit – a man-eating bear.