Carl Gustaf Florin


A Dangerous Proposal
Director of Photography
The farmer Knut Husaby has a daughter, Aslaug, who is the most beautiful girl in the village. Many boys are after her, but Knut and his two sons drive them away, if they come too close to the farm. Aslaug is secretly in love with Tore Naesset. But he is only a smallholder's son, and when he asks for Aslaug's hand, her father just laughs at him. Instead her father wants Aslaug to marry Ola Thormundson, a gawky boy, who is the son of the wealthiest farmer in the village. Aslaug brings her family's cattle to the Husaby summer farm up in the mountain. Only one road leads to the summer farm, and it passes right by the main farm. When Tore returns from a visit to Aslaug in the mountains, Knut and his sons beat him black and blue. As it's impossible for him to use the road anymore, Tore has to figure out another way to go to Aslaug. Next Saturday he crosses the fiord in a rowing-boat. He stops at a fifty meter high wall of rock, and starts climbing it, hoping to reach Aslaug at the top.
At the Stora Morgonbladet newspaper office the daily work has started, at the same time the journalist Maggie Frisch has just noticed how late she is and what a great position in the paper her article from yesterday has received. She hopes to use the success of her article to lessen the anger of her boss when she gets to the office.
Puss in Boots
Director of Photography
Young Jörgen Steenfeld is the heir of it over the chimney-indebted estate Steensgaard and unable to clear up its finances. He is being looked after by his old friend, "Mästerkatten", ie the enterprising, charming but somewhat irreplaceable Karl Konstantin Kattrup, who has been relegated from the university. Kattrup, involved as a manager at Steensgaard. Steenfeld receives visits by county governor Markdanner and her daughter Rose. The Countess is planning a marriage between Rose and Jörgen, but Jörgen is secretly in love with the orphan Helga Anthon, called Pips. The conditions are further complicated by the appearance of Kattrup and Rose.
Ett konstnärsöde
Musician Gaston Brenner gets accepted to study under piano virtuoso Jean Krause. Through this he becomes acquainted with the painter and professor Mac Steep who is working on a painting of Christ at the last supper. He thinks Gaston's face would be perfect as a model for Christ's.
Director of Photography
Countess Hedvig von Wärnfelt (born Wärnfelt), receives her orphan's granddaughter Marianne to educate her in tukt and her reverence. Marianne is an iron and vibrant young girl, who also carries theater grills. The Countess is staggered over her uneducated facials and treats her severely, hard and joyless.
The Suburban Vicar
Director of Photography
"Suburban Priest". The film premiered on September 3 1917 at cinema Sture and Brunkeberg Theatre in Stockholm . The film was shot at the Hasselblad studio on Otterhällan in Gothenburg with exteriors from Gothenburg by Carl Gustaf Florin.
Between Life and Death
Director of Photography
"Between life and death" - Dr Brinck and his assistant Inger Holm spend days and nights in his laboratory to experiment with a revolutionary medical cure for poisoning. Inger Holm is deeply in love with his boss. When the two scientists one day go to bed and visit an outdoor server, Brinck's manufacturer will meet Warren and his daughter Elsa and get an opportunity to help Elsa with a damaged foot. Thanks to him, he is invited to a party in the manufacturer's luxurious home...
Children of the Night
Violet, employed as a maid of Count Berkow, is wrongly accused of burglary of the Count. After an unjust prison sentence Violet travels to America.
Calle som miljonär
Director of Photography
Calle Lundgren is a shop assistant and spends most days as errand boy for Nisse and flirting with the ladies, especially a girl called Amanda. One day Calle read in the newspaper that he is the sole heir to a Swedish American millionaire who has just died.
The Victory of Love