Helge Leiberg


Die subversive Kamera
The history of the GDR Super-8 scene—an underground art movement that produced films outside official channels in the 1980s—produced by Cornelia Klauss, herself a Super-8 artist. The Stasi (secret police) monitored this rebellious scene closely. Female artists Ramona Köppel-Welsch, Cornelia Schleime and Christine Schlegel, among others, talk about their art and films, their experiences as artists in the GDR, and how their work changed after the Wall came down.
action situation
"Leiberg embarks on a search for the interaction between painting and improvised music, tinkering with sound collages sets language and sounds against each other (...) Leiberg works with real-movie sequences and uses his pictorial color and form vocabulary as a design element in the film. He primarily uses the resulting films in their capacity as a depot of moving light images in order to project them onto the bodies of dancers in the performances. (Christoph Tannert in "Gegenbilder", p. 39f;)