Baek Seung-woo


State-authorized Textbook
Why on earth should we use the state-authorized textbook? Many history scholars share their opinions about the nature, background and significance of the book and why history is forcibly imposed.
Project Cheonan
Interpreting an event of ROKS Cheonan corvette, torpedoed and sunken by North Korea, this documentary rebuilds the event with a different insight. No one can tell if the investigation of Cheonan has reached compelling conclusion. But the film tells and reveals how unreasonable Korean society is.
Project Cheonan
Interpreting an event of ROKS Cheonan corvette, torpedoed and sunken by North Korea, this documentary rebuilds the event with a different insight. No one can tell if the investigation of Cheonan has reached compelling conclusion. But the film tells and reveals how unreasonable Korean society is.