Odd Reinhardt Nicolaysen


The Kicksled Choir
Director of Photography
Gabriel wants to join the kicksled choir that raises money for refugees. His untalkative father does not seem to be happy about the idea, but maybe his silence does not tell the whole story.
Meet the Censors
Director of Photography
From a Kafkaesque office for social media in Germany and on to Sudan, and to conversations with an Iranian Ayatollah, an Indian film censor and critical journalists in China. The Norwegian Håvard Fossum has travelled the world to understand what censorship is, and how censors work, both in theory and in practice.
A Stranger Comes Home
Director of Photography
It’s the night before Christmas Eve and a little boy discovers a burglar in his home who claims to be his estranged grandmother.
Oskar's America
Director of Photography
Oskar's deepest wish is to be able to ride on the prairie with his mother over summer break. But alas, everything turns out differently than expected and the 10-year-old is forced to spend his vacation on his grumpy grandfather's farm. Oskar's only friend is the outsider Levi, who talks with his pony. Together they hatch a plan to get away from their grim reality: they’ll row across the Atlantic to America in grandfather's boat!
Beyond the Pale
Director of Photography
Normal intrusive thoughts are a common psychological phenomenon, even the most trusted members of our society have got them. The judge jumps the bench, the nurse hurts her patient and the priest throws his children off the cliff. This short, humorous film points out how fragile our society is and questions our liability as citizens.
When mom gets ill, Maria becomes the family's caretaker. But when she can't cope any more, her father seems to have given up.
The Shadow
Director of Photography
Mary Reklev (84) is Norway’s first female private detective. With over 40 years of experience, she solved more than 1000 cases. The people that came to her for help all had something in common – a fear of being deceived. But what they did not know was that Mary shared the same fear. The man who taught her everything about detective work, with whom she shared both an office and a home, betrayed her. In “the Shadow” Mary attempts to solve her last case: herself.
Journey to the Christmas Star
Director of Photography
13 year old kind-hearted Sonja arrives at a tiny village together with a company of bandits. But there is a curse on the village. A long time ago, the King’s only daughter Goldhair disappeared while searching for the Christmas Star. The Queen died of a broken heart, leaving the shattered King all on his own. From that day on, the King cursed the Christmas Star, thereby causing darkness and grief to descend upon the land. However, an old sage has revealed that Goldhair is still alive, and will return only if the King finds the way back to the Christmas Star. Ever since, the King has been searching for the Christmas Star every Christmas, but all in vain.
Director of Photography
Karsten (35) is at a standstill. He has been since his wife died four years ago. He thinks he's fine, until he meets what could be the love of his life - but isn't she all what he despises in a woman?
How Happy Can You Be?
Director of Photography
How happy can you be? is an attempt to make the practical manual – “Your guide to happiness” by using a modern, scientific approach: science, practical empirical attempts to measure happiness.
The Last Communists
Director of Photography
The film is about the Norwegain Communist Party in Oslo. It portrays the last standing true believers and raises questions like; What makes them tick? Why do they still fight for the Utopian - some would say dystopian - ideas of Lenin and Mao? In short, how is it at all possible to be a Norwegian communist today?
Marianne has left Morten - again. He looks her up in hope of winning her back, but things take a turn for the unexpected as the couple's old caravan decides to have a say in the matter.
De 7 dødssyndene
Feature film length collection of seven short films about the biblical seven sins by preliminary younger Norwegian directors.