Kevin Murphy


Kevin Murphy is an electrician and gaffer.


Side Effects
Rigging Gaffer
A woman turns to prescription medication as a way of handling her anxiety concerning her husband's upcoming release from prison.
Chief Lighting Technician
After being bitten by a genetically altered spider at Oscorp, nerdy but endearing high school student Peter Parker is endowed with amazing powers to become the superhero known as Spider-Man.
Murder at 1600
Rigging Gaffer
A secretary is found dead in a White House bathroom during an international crisis, and Detective Harlan Regis is in charge of the investigation. Despite resistance from the Secret Service, Regis partners with agent Nina Chance. As political tensions rise, they learn that the crime could be part of an elaborate cover-up. Framed as traitors, the pair, plus Regis' partner, break into the White House in order to expose the true culprit.
A Time to Kill
A young lawyer defends a black man accused of murdering two white men who raped his 10-year-old daughter, sparking a rebirth of the KKK.
Edward Scissorhands
Chief Lighting Technician
A small suburban town receives a visit from a castaway unfinished science experiment named Edward.
Child's Play 2
Chief Lighting Technician
When Andy’s mother is admitted to a psychiatric hospital, the young boy is placed in foster care, andChucky, determined to claim Andy's soul, is not far behind.
Angel Heart
Down-and-out private detective Harry Angel is ordered by the mysterious Louis Cyphre to go on a mission to find a missing person. His routine failure soon leads to a bloody spar with himself, as he goes on a supernatural journey into his own soul.